Who's Who in the Primary?

Michelle Wall

Hello, I currently teach Year 2 and I love it. I became a teacher as I wanted to try to make a difference in students lives.  I am passionate about all students being given the opportunity to learn and reach their potential.  I want my classroom to be a safe place where students can take a risk have a go and enjoy the challenges learning new things offers.  Enjoyment and a love of learning are things I hope I foster in the students who come through the door each year. 




What is your favourite colour?

I love light and bright colours like lime greens and bright blues. 

They remind me of summer days.


What is your favourite movie/song/book?

My favourite children’s book is Dirty Bertie and Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott).  I loved Mrs Harris Goes to Paris which I saw a few weeks ago at Gold Class.  I’m a bit of an ABBA fan but any song that makes me feel like singing along is great, even if I mix up the lyrics and sing out of tune!!


Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?

I love a great dessert, so I guess I’m a sweet tooth.


How do you relax and unwind?

I’m a passionate scrapbooker, reader and dog mummy, so spending time doing these things is how I unwind.


When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?

Most days in Year 2 we laugh, smile and have fun. I think its really important to smile and find the funny side of things each day.


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year. I love putting up the tree, decorating the house, the smells of Christmas cooking and spending time with family and friends especially my grandson.


What quote, line from a song or motto sums you up?

“After all, tomorrow is another day!”― from Gone with the Wind