Library News

Yearbook 2022 - Cornucopia
The year 12 students will receive their copy of Cornucopia the school yearbook at their Valedictory on Friday 18th November, provided they have paid for it.
The remaining students will receive their copy in the following weeks. Please note that you only receive a copy if you have paid for it. You can still make the $25 payment through Compass. It’s not too late!
Also I want to reach out to year 12 students and their families to keep in mind when they have finished their time at DSC, they may wish to donate their old text books & stationary to the library for the continuance of our Welfare library. MUCH APPRECIATED.
Sue Hayward
Curriculum Resource Manager
Cornucopia Yearbook Editor
End of Year Returns
Student Library books need to be returned by the 2nd December or earlier if they have finished reading them, so the library can complete their annual stocktake.
Students that have borrowed Welfare books and equipment need to return these items as close as possible to their finishing time for the year.
E-Book Borrowing
We don’t lend books over the holidays, but students can access the E library through Compass favourites (The star) E platform, e books and audio books. Great selection to choose from!
STUDENTS USERNAME: student school ID EG. GON0034
Library hours
Please note that the library is now open 8.30am to 4pm every day, including before school, recess, lunchtime and after school.
We actively promote reading for pleasure as well as for information and have an extensive collection of fabulous new fiction and non-fiction books, as well as instant online access via Compass to our Wheelers audio and ebook collection. The Wheelers platform is simple and easy to use.
Borrowing is for a month and is unlimited. Become part of our reading community and have lots of fun chats about literature with us.
Any students who have outstanding Library books from 2021 please return them as soon as possible. There are no fines for late books but other students are waiting to access the books you borrowed.
The library also houses the printer that students can print and photocopy from and provides spaces for reading, silent study and group work. Come to the Library and introduce yourself to the friendly staff. We can also help you troubleshoot minor IT problems, look up Compass for you and generally point you in the right di
Wheelers ePlatform
If you need the instructions on how to access our audio and ebooks, please refer to the pdf attachment below.