
Mr Shuttleworth

The Big Sister Experience

In Week 6, we were lucky enough to work with Kritz from The Big Sister Experience. Their organisation specialises in wellbeing and social skills. They ran a full day session with our Grade 5/6 girls, as well as a staff and family information session. A huge thanks to the families who made the time to come along to the night.


We will be implementing some of the strategies from The Big Sister Experience across the school to work on improving students' wellbeing and social skills. In this week's newsletter we'll be discussing "The Wheel of Life". This is a great tool to use as a check-in with your children and can be useful for yourself as well (I've included a student and an adult version). The Wheel of Life looks at different areas of your life, such as mental health and relationships, to determine where your strengths and areas for improvement are.


If you'd like to try it at home, follow these steps:

  1. Download and print the PDFs (email Mr Shuttleworth if you'd like the school to print a copy for you):
  1. Discuss what each of the areas mean.
  2. Explain that 10 is the best they could be on the scale and 0 is the worst.
  3. Ask your child to fill in each section by colouring it in.
  4. Ask them to write or draw some things that are going well or that they could do to improve their scores in those areas.

You can use this as a one-off activity or as a regular check-in. Some families use this as a conversation prompt at the end of a school day.


We'd love to hear how you're using The Wheel of Life at home. Please check the next newsletter for more resources to try at home.



Sensory Garden

Over the last term, some of our students have been working hard to design and create a sensory garden. This area will become a quiet place where students can relax and regulate away from noisier, busier areas of the yard.


A huge thanks to the students who worked on this project while displaying creative, patience and teamwork. They will help to guide the rest of the students in how to use the "Zen Zone" to regulate their emotions.


Thanks also to Che who facilitated the project and to the students from Beaufort Secondary College who worked together to install the screens, fences and bench.