Learning Hub and Wellbeing Update

'The Hub has become a real asset in our school, highly valued by staff and students alike.'


What is the ‘Take-a-Break’ space and how does it work?

You may have heard your child talk about going for a Hub Break……...

So, what is a Hub break, what does it look like and why do students have them?

The Take-a-Break space is a very important part of Our Lady of Fatima’s wellbeing culture. It is an innovative zone within our Learning Hub that all students can access. It is a quiet, mindful, sensory corner designed to ensure that every child has a safe space to “take-a-break”, reset or self-regulate. Students will come to the Take-a-Break space from their classrooms to have a Hub Break when they are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, sad, off task, fidgety or simply when they need a brain break during the school day. It is a short, independent, timed, 10 minute break. It is not a zone for playing games and being with friends, rather it is a space that is equipped with specific sensory tools and visual cues that teaches students the importance of mindfulness and self-regulating strategies. 

In our ever changing, fast paced world it is so important that we are teaching our children the importance of recognising their early signs of frustration, anger, anxiety and/or loss of focus and teaching them strategies to use when they feel like this so that they can get themselves back on track and be ready to re-enter the classroom to be the best learners they can be. These skills are so vital in our modern world. As educators of the ‘whole-child’ we believe that teaching these lifelong strategies can assist students when they are faced with challenges beyond the classroom and school grounds and help them with their overall wellbeing. 

A Hub Break in the ‘Take-a-Break’ zone is a proactive strategy that was implemented into our school over four years ago and it has been successfully embedded in our well being practices and classroom routines to ensure that students feel safe, engaged, supported and that their wellbeing is paramount for successful learning. 

Having a Hub Break or ‘re-setting our brain’ - is a very normal part of our Fatima day.