Learning and Teaching Update

Learning together in all situations and supporting one another with encouragement and smiles.

Update from our Literacy Leader

Everywhere you look in our school, there is amazing writing happening. The Year Five and Six students are working on some amazing persuasive pieces which include the use of lots of persuasive devices such as expert opinions, rhetorical questions and strong language. With the help of their fantastic teachers, they are expanding their vocabulary and researching their topics in depth. The unique voice of our students is clearly evident in their writing. 

Mrs. Mary Lenko  Literacy Leader


Check out some of these excerpts from students in 5/6M:


Do you hate doing homework and not being able to play with your friends until it is done? Well, I think it is time to stop that! Children should not have to do homework every night! Homework can make children tired and it can affect their health. It means that they don’t have time for after school activities that could be important to them and it can affect their social lives like not being able to see their family and friends as much.      By Elizabeth Mc


These days more and more homework is given to children yet teachers don’t know that homework is bad for your brain. It can wreck your mental health, sleep patterns and socialising with your family. According to The Journal of Experimental Education published research “when high school students were assigned too much homework, they were more susceptible to serious mental and physical health problems, high-stress levels, and sleep deprivation”. This shows us that too much homework is actually bad for your mental health.         By Harlen L

Inquiry Update

This term, we have been exploring relationships!

What are we learning about?

Every person has roles and responsibilities within the community and we can all make a difference.

What are we learning to be?

Caring, cooperative and respectful learners.

Driving Questions

We use questions to help drive our inquiry learning. Here are some examples!


Keep an eye out for celebrations of our learning in class news!