Principal's Update

Our Lady of Fatima Rosebud - 'Happy Kids, Happy Teachers, Happy Parents'

Dear Families,

What a fabulous newsletter it is this week with so many new and beautiful images of our students to include. They capture the fun, cheeky, outgoing and warm Fatima spirit within so many of our lovely little people. 


This week we are reflecting on our Lent journey. With the COVID vaccinations hitting our shores and hopes remaining high we are reminded of this time last year when we were plunged into the unknown. With this in mind I’d like to pay particular attention to the words of Cathy Jenkins who is Director of the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation. She writes about the Journey of Lent and life lessons from the Camino.

'Imagine walking on a path where millions of feet from other lands and cultures have previously walked, feet that have trod hundreds of miles to reach a sacred site. Think of what it would like to have that same path and those same stones beneath your feet as you, too, walk for many weeks to reach the same destination. Perhaps this is a little like the path we walk in Lent. This Lenten path has been walked by millions of our ancestors... Each of us has a Camino, a road of life. This road allows us access to the spiritual richness of those who have travelled before us and those who travel with us now.

As the forty days of Lent progress, the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross and beyond intensifies. The account of Jesus’ physical journey conveys to us a sense of urgency. Each year, the rich scriptural passages take us on a journey that prepares us for Holy Week and the dramatic recalling of Jesus’ death and resurrection. And perhaps this is a little of what we are trying to do when we create an environment for people of faith to enter into the Lenten spirit—a way of reminding us that in Lent we join with pilgrims all over the world as we once again bring our joys, troubles and hopes and add them to the cross that Jesus continues to carry for us'.

Mrs Heggen works some of her magic in the Art Space.
Mrs Heggen works some of her magic in the Art Space.

We are about to begin our final two week journey of Term 1. It has been a richly rewarding term for me and a time of settling back into learning and relationships for your children and our staff. We have crammed in more than you can imagine and continue to celebrate the rich and diverse community of people that we are in so many ways.  The joy and excitement of learning is alive and well throughout our school and our educators are indeed joyful people who love working with your children.

Mrs Lenko leading Literacy with great skill and focus.
Mrs Lenko leading Literacy with great skill and focus.

If you ever require any support we have a core team of leaders and educators who are here to help. Our leadership team, wider leadership team and Hub staff have access to a range of resources to assist you with any support you require for your children and family. Our Wellbeing team is also available led by Dimity Hemingway and Beth Miller and our Deputy Principal Darren Perry are always available for a range of support for families. 

We have many programs and support structures available here at school and we welcome you to see us at any time to access these. The weekly class newsletters, weekly Principal updates, Skoolbag messages and fortnightly newsletters are also the best way for you to be up to date with events and news and to help you feel connected.


Grateful for relationships and learning in 2021.
Grateful for relationships and learning in 2021.


We also remind you that all of the staff at Our Lady of Fatima are more than willing to work with you and listen to you if there is a problem. We always listen and respond in a respectful and communicative manner. It is so important that this home/school relationship is nurtured by family and school. A gentle reminder from time to time helps everyone remember acceptable conduct and how important it is to every child's growth and success. At the time of enrolment all parents sign the Parent Code of Conduct and commit to upholding respectful community expectations. I have linked this code above for your perusal. It is a good reminder to read this code and the importance of good open and friendly communication and unconditional positive regard.



The Our Lady of Fatima School environment is also the staff work environment and one which we work hard to maintain high expectations. We expect respectfulness from our children and this always needs to be modelled through parent interactions with staff and other parents. It is these positive interactions that we see and hear every day that makes our community such a great place to be. It is these interactions our children see and hear and learn from. Something I am encouraging all students to do is to give 'put ups' - positive messages to classmates and peers. I thank you again for extending your respectfulness and positivity to me.



With one more newsletter to go this term. I encourage you to ready my weekly Principal's Update for a great overview of the week ahead. Go gently and as always, if you have any feedback, questions or ideas we’d love to hear about them. Positive feedback drives our work forward. Positive interactions drive our work forward. 


God Bless,

Patrika Rowley