Secondary News

Year 7 & 8 Camps

The year 7 & 8 Camps are fast approaching, if you haven't already done so could you please return medical and consent forms and start making payments.  Thankyou. 

Secondary Swimming Carnival

A fantastic day was had at the Merbein P-10 College Secondary Swimming Carnival.

It was great to see so many students participating and supporting their teams.

Our age group champions on the day were:


MaleFemaleAge Group

Dylan Boseley


Lola O'Connor


17 Years

Elana De Koning


Riley Nokes


15 Years

Bridget Japp


Wil Hemming


14 Years

Ayva Kelly


Zane Breewel


13 Years

Doctors in Secondary Schools Program

Our Doctors in Secondary Schools program is available for all secondary students to access free (bulk-billed), confidential health care at school. This is a fantastic service which students can access for any of their health care needs including asthma/anaphylaxis plans, catch-up immunisations, mental/emotional health and any other medical concerns no matter how big or small. Students can see the school doctor for any reason that they would see their usual GP.

The rooms will be open every Wednesday during the school term from 9am – 1pm. Students can make appointments by contacting Yvonne in the general office or they can ask a teacher or wellbeing staff member to make the appointment for them – the only details required to make an appointment will be the student’s name and date of birth.

Parents are welcome to attend appointments if the student wishes.



School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)