
Students in Year 8 History have been designing an advertisement to sell a Japanese Castle. This forms part of their Japanese Shogun unit. 


Please see below some student work samples.

By Sophie Williams and Kaylee Ayton

By Christer Quinto



Recently Year 9 Commerce visited Woolworths at Kooringal Mall as part of their first topic "Consumer and Financial Decisions". They identified a range of marketing strategies that supermarkets use to entice consumers to spend more money in the store such as location of essential items, end caps and the use of different lighting and aromas.


The Psychology of Shopping - Students learnt that trolleys are now 17% larger to encourage increased spending. Supermarkets play music quickly when they want you to hurry through the store and slow when they want you to take your time. The placement of hot smelling food at the entrance and sweets on display in specific locations are all tactics to entice the shopper to spend.


Society and Culture

Students in Society and Culture have been presenting case studies on different cultures from around the world. Students explored what makes a particular culture unique as well as the pros and cons of joining a certain culture.


Significant cultures of study included: Maasai and Lutuka tribes of Africa, Amish community and the Carnival of Rio.


Mr Rod Buik | HSIE KLA Leader