Marimbas are back!

Celebrating Harmony Day at Bourchier Street PS

The Marimba Ensemble from the McGuire Campus are back performing after a long break during the 2020 COVID lockdown and remote learning. The Marimbas have been part of the McGuire College and now Campus for the past seven years so we are delighted to have another group of keen Marimba players in 2021. 


On Monday 15th March the Marimba Ensemble headed off to the bus carrying their Marimbas, with their conductor Ms Ryan, to perform at Bourchier Street Primary School Assembly celebrating Harmony Day. They played four pieces “Hey Hey”, ‘Two Three”, “Mbira Jam” and “Shortnin’ Bread. 


The group were very popular with their audience who were clapping, dancing and singing along as they played.  It was the first performance for the new players who enjoyed themselves and played very well.


They were very lucky to have experienced musician and 4th year Marimba player, Joshua Safari, drumming for the group. The Marimba players also shared their names and country of origin with their audience in celebration of Harmony Day.


Pictured above at Bourchier Street are Ahadi Nyangela, Razia Sarwari, Mapenzi Berte, Semahoro Nganire, Laywi Kiyonkuru, Joshua Safari, Monica Deng, Danny Shaka, Suha Teia  (absent was Byaruhunga Mugenyi).



Gabrielle Ryan


Music Specialist - McGuire Campus