Library News

Diana Farfalla | Library Manager


Little Lon By Andrew Kelly

Here is a little bit of local history, set in Melbourne CBD.

Little Lon scrapes back the layers of history showing how people lived in Melbourne city. Behind the grand buildings of the big streets was Little Lon. A working class area of small houses and narrow lanes full of life and stories of the people who once lived there.

Little Lon shares with the reader the way people really lived once upon a time in our home city, Melbourne.

I recommend you have a read of this beautiful picture story book, Little Lon.

It is hard to believe what once was and what it is today.

Happy Reading!




View the CBCA shortlisted books for 2020  here

In the library at BPS, the students have access to these CBCA shortlisted 2020 books.

The Children Book Council of Australia (CBCA) mission is to promote and advocate for the sharing of quality literature for young people across Australia. It showcases Australian creators and collaborates widely to foster a love of reading. The CBCA was established  in 1946, the CBCA Book of the Year Awards have become the most influential and highly respected in Australia and are presented in six categories: Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood, Picture Books, Eve Pownall Award and the CBCA Award for New Illustrator.

The winners of the 2020 CBCA Book of the Year Awards will be announced in Term 4, 17th-23rd October and  during the launch for CBCA Book Week with this year’s theme, ‘Curious Creatures.

Write these dates in your diary!

It will be a week of CELEBRATING the JOY of READING!

The VRPC 2020 is on!

Well done to you all who are taking on the Challenge!

We now have 1088 books finished and verified.

Currently 1304 books are being read and  9 students have completed the Challenge. GOOD JOB!

Are you taking on the Challenge?

Come and see me or your teacher for your login details.

The VPRC is running until the end of August. You are still in time to READ and RECORD !

Please come on board and complete the Challenge.

Many of YOU are reading so join in and let’s make it count.

Every student who completes the Challenge will receive a certificate from the Premier Daniel Andrews.

I look forward to seeing you taking on the Challenge.

Happy reading!

Diana Farfalla 

Library Manager




Aaron Blabey  - Attack of the zittens

"Bad guys "

I give it 5 stars because it is brilliant - Lachlan H Gr 2





David Walliams  - The beast of Buckingham Palace

I thought that it was a really good book. It had funny moments and sad moments but overall it was a really good book - Gabe W    Gr 4




R.A. Spratt  - Stuck in the mud

Peski kids ; 3

I think this book is great because it is funny, thrilling and the characters are entertaining. The plot has sudden twists which make it even more exciting - Ewan W Gr 5




Julia Donaldson   - Room on the broom

This is an entertaining rhyming book - Stella B  Prep






Giles Andreae  - Captain Flinn and the pirate dinosaurs

This book has dinosaurs and pirates. This is one of my favourite books because I like dinosaurs a lot -Charles W  Gr 1





Liz Kessler  - Emily Windsnap and the castle in the mist

This book was really good. It had lots of cool adventures in it - Coco S Gr 4