Administration News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch


Welcome to the very first iNewsletter for St Joseph's Quirindi.

We hope you enjoy this new format.  To help you do that we have included some:


  • We have a wonderful selection of pages in our iNewsletter which improves communication with families. Please search through the options to familiarise yourselves with our new look newsletter. The Focus on learning page will be completed by different staff members each week so please check in to see wonderful learning news in there.
  • All staff emails can be found on the Contact Details page of this newsletter.



Congratulations to the 52 families who have signed up for Compass.  Student learning is now happening through Compass/Google classrooms until the end of the COVID-19 home learning phase.  

VIP COMPASS TIP!  When you open the app you need to select ‘open in browser’ to be able to access your child’s information.  



When paying school fees via EFT direct into the school’s bank account please use your account No. and surname as the reference not school fees as we then have to do a trace on the deposit through our bank to find out who sent the payment, thanking you your payments are much appreciated.  All financial enquiries will need to be emailed to  the finance email address.  

Term 2 School Fees

School Fee accounts for Term 2 were sent out on Thursday, 07 May, 2020.  If you have any queries regarding fees this term please direct inquiries to either Pauline Long or myself.