A Word from the Principal

Compassion is one of the key values held by the Sisters of Charity and one that the College prides itself on. Compassion is more than just sympathy or pity; it is what we feel when we come across the suffering or misfortunes of others. It is a sensitivity to what other people might feel and motivates us to go out of our way to help others and improve their situation. It is part of what makes us human - this circle of compassion. In this circle we have all those we care about, not just humans but all living things. All those whose plight we are invested in and try to improve. This circle is a large part of what makes us a part of the human race, however this circle grows smaller when our actions exclude or hurt others.


The Sisters of Charity came to Australia to support the female convicts and to improve their lives.  Little has changed for the Sisters as they continue to work at providing for those in need. Their actions and foundations provide hope and dignity to those most marginalised by society - whether it is the homeless, refugees, women suffering domestic violence, people incarcerated. This is their legacy of compassion, it was their circle of compassion and it is now a part of the College’s circle of compassion.


Mount Carmel College continues this legacy of compassion. We work with our community to provide for those on the margins. The cooking of soups for Loui's Van, the gathering of winter woolies and the continuous outward focus on those around us, ensures we are true to the legacy. Over the COVID-19 isolation period a number of our students made a difference to the lives of others. They were motivated by compassion, an outreach for humanity - to make a difference to those in their circle. Compassion is such a powerful and positive change agent in our world.  

Thought of the Week

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity would not survive. 

Dalai Lama

Staffing News

We wish Imogen Gray (Head of English and Languages) all the best for the impending birth of her first child. In the interim period Alice Smith will fulfill this role as acting Head of Department.


We welcomed Maddison Faith Jones, born on the 30 May. We know Alicia, Ben and Archer are enjoying this welcome addition to the Jones family.  





Fiona Nolan
