Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
We are only a few days off welcoming the 3-6 students back on site. It has been lovely seeing the P-2 students transition so well back to school and adjust to the new routines with such ease. We have seen the P-2 students show much independence and resilience in returning to school. I am sure that we will see the same with our 3-6 students. We understand that some families may have some reservations in returning to school, but we have many processes in place to ensure everyones safety.
The drop off and pick ups have been very smooth and enable everyone to arrive and leave safely.
I would like to thank the parent community for enabling our drop offs and pick ups to be so smooth. With out your support this couldn’t happen. It is a very foreign feeling for us not having families in the school, but the students have adjusted well saying good bye at the gate.
All classrooms are equipped with soap and sanitiser. The P-2 students are in a routine of washing and sanitising hands through out the day.
One of the bigger changes we have put in place with drop offs is the bell goes at 8.45 am. Please ensure your child is at school by 8.45am. If you child arrives later than 8.45am, they will be marked late on the roll. Gates and classrooms are open from 8.30am. The earlier starts allows time for hand washing and being settled in the classroom by the time learning starts at 9.00am.
We also understand the early pick up may be a challenge for some families if your child is in Red or Yellow house. If you are unable to be the at the school at 3pm please contact the Schools Out program for after school care options.
It is vital that if your child is dismissed at 3pm, that you are there on time to help ease congestion around the school gates.
Students will have their own resources in the classroom, these packs will contain items such as pencils, scissors and glue sticks.
We understand that some students may want to bring back their work from remote learning, unfortunately at this stage we are unable to collect it due to the Health Advice, which is why we were using Dojo for students to upload their work. We will discuss a plan next term for students to be able to share their Passion Projects with their class.
A letter will be emailed to all 3-6 families this afternoon reminding you of our transition plans for back to school. At this stage we are awaiting further advice on how long these measures will be in place for. Once we have this information we will update families.
I would like to thank all of our staff who are outside each morning and afternoon supporting the new pick up and drop offs. We really feel during COVID-19 we have built stronger relationships with our parents community.
Please remember all students require a named drink bottle at school as the bubble taps are not operational. If you require a drink bottle, ETRS drink bottles can be purchased at the office for $5. Parents/Carers can ring the door bell at the front of the school and speak to one of the office staff or call the office and we can arrange for these to be provided to students.
As we have transitioned back to Face to Face teaching, we have had a number of students in P-2 become unwell at school. The students have presented with either cold like symptoms or gastro symptoms. If your child becomes unwell at school they will be sent home immediately.
If they present with gastro symptoms please support us in not spreading it to other students by keeping children home 48 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhoea.
We thank you in advance for keeping students who are unwell at home.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Thank you to students, staff and parents who shared what reconciliation means to them. Thank you to Emily and Zara for putting together the video on our Facebook page.
You may have noticed that some of the fencing has been moved and we will soon have access to the new building. This happened last Friday along with the opening of the new bus loop. The buildings are almost complete and we will have access to it once the Emergency Management plans are approved. A decision will be made in the coming week around how these classrooms will be utilised.
The completion of Stage 2 is coming along very quickly, which is very exciting as we plan for the Co-Location of the Echuca Specialist School. The Gym which we have named 'The Centre' looks amazing and we are very lucky to have such an amazing facility in our community.
We ask that Parents/Carers do not use the bus loop as a drop off or pick up area.
Please check out our new virtual tour on the website.
MSP Photography have completed this for us to support us with prospective enrolments. Please pass this link onto friends and families who may be interested. This link has also been placed on Facebook, please feel free to share it.
Next week's value is: Respect
Next week's behaviour focus is: I will put my rubbish and other rubbish I see in the bin.
Be sure to access the video modelling the correct behaviours on Facebook, our website and on Class Dojo.
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and we are fielding an increased number of inquiries about our school.
Have a lovely long weekend, stay safe and we look forward to transitioning back to learning at school next week with all students. Please remember Monday is a public holiday.
Kind regards,