From the Classroom

Year 4 Science

Year 3 Biology

The students in Year 3 have been busy learning about life cycles, food chains and living things in our Biology unit this term.

We have lots of living life cycles growing in our class, including stick insects, plants, mealworms and CHICKENS! We are really enjoying watching living things develop and change before our eyes! 


Parent, Gen Kelly came to talk about the lifecycle of bees, and we were able to touch honeycomb, taste honey, and learn the different jobs that bees have within their lifetime. 


We are having lots of fun learning about Biology in Year 3! 

From the art room

Year 5 & 6 students have been experimenting with textured boards to imprint patterns into modelling clay to create a relief.  Water colour has been added to complete the artworks.

Year 4 Science

Year 4 have been immersed in a series of hands on science experiments for their Earth Science unit this term. They have been investigating the impact of humans and nature on our landscape by exploring properties of soil and the impact of erosion. 

To start the unit they went on a short excursion to Royal Park to explore the setting and also created Writing Seeds in their Writer’s Notebook by taking notes about what they saw, felt, heard and wondered.

To further enhance the student’s Writing abilities, they went on a trip to the 100 Storey Building in Footscray where they were engaged in the writing process to create a piece based on a trip to their own planet.


The teacher’s have been very impressed with the student’s ability to follow the scientific process and work collaboratively both inside and outside the school grounds!

From the EAL Classroom 

This year, as part of our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), we have developed an English as a Additional Languages (EAL) class to support our EAL learners. English as an Additional Languages (EAL) lessons happen weekday during literacy time across the school (Prep to Year Five).  These lesson help strengthen English, focusing on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.  The children enjoy many fun and engaging activities, such as Science experiments, guided reading and craft activities. 


In the EAL classroom students have been busy getting language experience through Art activities, Science experiments, photography, stories and more!   




Float or sink?








Primary colours making secondary colours






‘New Flex’ – Sophie, Grade 1







‘Old Townhouse’ – Ved, Grade 4



These language experiences are a fun and engaging way for students to begin to understand the connections between speaking and listening, reading and writing.   

From the Auslan Room

Last week, this week and next week, students have continued to discover and learn about different animals and how to sign each animal using Auslan.


Year Prep students have been learning the signs for animals such as kangaroo, koala, horse, cat, dog, duck, lion, pig, cow, and elephant. They then chose an animal to draw. While they were working the teachers engaged the students in a conversation about their chosen animal. Parents, ask your child at home how many signs they remember from the animals listed above. Perhaps you may get an Auslan lesson.  


Year 1, 2 and 3 students have also been learning the signs for animals and practising their finger spelling. A new challenge is to not just sign themselves, but to understand someone else signing to them.