General School News


As the end of year is approaching with lightning speed, it is time to think about, and begin our end of year processes, one of which is to recall all library books. Friday, 22nd November, will be the last day for student borrowing. The standard borrowing period of two weeks applies. therefore the return date will be Friday, 6th December. 

Please assist your children to look thoroughly for (school) library books and return them as soon

as possible.Library lessons are scheduled until the end of the year and students will have full access to all resources during these classes.

Judy Mundy and  Lisa Skelton


Please return all red visitor lanyards to the front office. When you sign in at the office, take a lanyard, then in the plastic sleeve it should have your current Working with Children Check Card and the printed receipt. When you are signing out the reverse happens, use the 4 digit number on the printed receipt to sign out, take out your Working with Children Check Card and return the lanyard and holder to the basket.