Parent News

Suzanne Cory Swimming Carnival 2020
Come and show your House spirit! The 2020 Swimming Carnival is fast approaching - the venue is booked, the sign ups are done and house preparations are well underway. For the first time ever, the annual Suzanne Cory Swimming Carnival is open to parents and families! Join us in supporting our students as they compete in the annual House swimming competition at the Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre (MSAC), Albert Park, on Tuesday, February 4th.
Students are required at the venue between 8:30am - 9:00am. The first race will start at 9:45am. Please note that this is a whole school event and attendance is compulsory.
Suzanne Cory Swimming Carnival | Tuesday, February 4th
When: Tuesday, February 4th | 9:30am - 2:15pm
Where: Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre (MSAC) | 30 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park | Outdoor Pool
SSV School of the Year Award
This year Suzanne Cory High School won the inaugural School Sport Victoria School of the year award. School Sport Victoria focuses on promoting school sport for all Victorian students ensures that the social, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of each student compliments their sporting and physical activity alongside their academic success. SSV aims to foster commitment, leadership, teamwork, participation and appreciation for others.
Suzanne Cory High School was awarded the awards because of the programs we offer. We have compulsory sport for all year levels which increases participation in physical activity as well as improving the holistic health and wellbeing of our students. In the last 3 years we have seen tremendous growth in the number of students participating in both our intra-school program and interschool program.
Our whole school Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country are fantastic events and allow progression into the SSV pathways. Aside from these events our house program is littered with sporting competitions and our students are full of school and house spirit. The VCE program involves numerous community organisations to support the program with the aim to keep students active beyond Suzanne Cory High School.
In 2019 we introduced whole school domain captains to compliment the house domain captains. This change in leadership structure has seen the development of more student led events and more opportunities for students to develop leadership skills throughout sport.
We have more students being active at lunchtime that we have in the past and we are seeing more successes at an inter-school level with more teams progressing to Western Metro region competition and State finals.
Although we may not be the most athletic school we certainly value the importance of sport in school and encompass the qualities SSV advocate for.
Well done to the whole Suzanne Cory Community on this achievement!
Ms. Claire Breed
Director of Sport and Student Engagement