Senior School News
Year 10 News
Year 10 Peer Support Leaders have been facilitating the Year 7 team sessions each Friday for “Fun Friday”. They have been doing a marvellous job of making the transition period for the Year 7s a most welcoming and positive experience.
Congratulations to all Year 10 students who participated in The Wizard of Oz production. It was a great production full of amazing talent and brilliance.
Students will have the opportunity to attend the Araluen Lutheran Year 10 camp that provides great facilities and activities located on the Great Ocean Road. Camp dates are from the 16th – 18th September.
We are required to confirm numbers to the camp by Sunday 18th August and would appreciate you giving permission and paying before this date.
Work Experience Week will be on the 16th – 20th September. This is a great opportunity for students to work in a field of their interest for the week. Students need to ensure they see me or Heather Palm if they have any issues or questions. Work Experience is held in Week 10 of term 3.
Progress Reports are available through XUNO. It’s important that parents, guardians and students sit down and look through the report together. It’s an ideal time to set goals, develop study routines at home and touch base with teachers if there are concerns. We are looking forward to seeing you at parent/teacher interviews in the coming weeks.
Delanka Peiris
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 11 News
Term 3 began with a whole school assembly to celebrate our students’ academic and sporting efforts. It was wonderful to see so many Year 11 students receiving awards for Academic Excellence and Academic Endeavour. By now you should have received your student’s Unit 1 Progress Report and Assessment Results. I strongly recommend taking the time to examine these results with your child and assist them in setting goals for their Unit 2 results.
Year 11 students who are currently studying a Unit 3 & 4 subject have received a copy of the ‘VCE Exams Navigator 2019’ booklet. This booklet contains specific rules and requirements for each exam. A digital copy can be found here:
Additionally, each student studying a Unit 3/4 subject will be receiving an individual ‘Examination Advice Slip’, which details when and where each exam will be conducted. This slip will be issued in a few weeks and should be kept in a safe place.
All Year 11 students are currently returning their course selections for 2020. Students needing course counselling are encouraged to make an appointment at the Senior School Office.
Benjamin Wickham
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 12 News
Term 3 is one of the busiest times of the year for Year 12 students, with the aim to complete unit 4 content in all subjects by the end of the term and with revision the focus for the first few weeks of next term. To assist our Year 12 students with their overall health and wellbeing, the wellbeing staff have organised for fresh fruit and vegetables to be available in the VCE study centre every Thursday. Our school nurse is also working in the study centre during period 2 so that students have the opportunity to go and see her if they feel the need.
On Monday 5th August, the VTAC portal will open for Year 12 students to register and complete their application for tertiary studies 2020. Ms Heather Palm (Careers and Pathways Coordinator) will be working with each student for the rest of the term and beyond if required to ensure that this process is done correctly. I will be assisting students with completing SEAS and scholarship forms, which are an integral part of the VTAC application.
Please be aware that a VTAC parent/student information night will be held on Monday 12th August, at 5.30pm. I strongly encourage all parents to attend with their Year 12 student. On this night, we will go through all things VTAC including the actual application process, ATAR and study scores. This event will be published on the XUNO parent portal.
Year 12 Key Dates
Monday 5th August: VTAC course applications open
Monday 12th August: VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) parent/student information session 5:30pm in the Glen Eira College PAC
Monday 30th September: VTAC course application closes at 5.00pm (but late applications will be processed at a higher cost)
Friday 11th October: VTAC SEAS and Scholarship applications close at 5.00pm
Monday 23rd September – Friday 27th September: Practice Exams
Monday 21st October: last day of classes for year 12 students (students in class until the end of the day)
Tuesday 22nd October: Year 12 Celebration Day
Monday 7th October - Tuesday 29th October: VCAA Oral Examinations
Wednesday 30th October - Wednesday 20th November: VCAA Written Examinations
Wednesday 20th November: Year 12 Valedictory
Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you need to speak to me about the rest of 2019.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator