From the Office

Update Your Information

Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address, home, mobile or work phone number or email address? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 or update your details on Xuno to keep us informed.

Xuno Portal

Need your login details for the Xuno portal? Contact the College on 9571 7838 or email

Student Absences

Student absences should be reported to the school on the day of the absence. Parents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.


There is also an absence proforma in the student planner that parents can complete for the student to return to the General Office on their return to school.

Early Leavers

If your child needs to leave school early you are required to provide a signed note for them to show their year level coordinator and bring down to the General Office when they sign out. Students are not permitted to leave the school early without signing out at the General Office.


This newsletter is emailed home to all families three times per term. If you have any items of interest to the college community or would like to advertise your business, please contact Penny Marks on 9571 7838.

Parent Payments

The College is committed to providing the broadest possible educational opportunities to prepare our students for life-long learning and success in their chosen field. Most funding for the College comes from the Government. However the amount allocated is insufficient for us to provide the type of education expected by the College community and required in today’s complex world.  Thus we seek parent support with regards to the payment of the Consumable Materials and Service charges. These are used during the school year for the direct and immediate benefit of each student. Monthly statements are sent out to families where there are outstanding fees.


Parents may make payments in instalments, and are provided with several methods of making payment including, cash, cheque, BPay, EFTPOS, Centrepay and XUNO Events. Parents experiencing financial hardship are able to enter into confidential payment arrangements by contacting the nominated parent payment contact person, the School Business Manager (Gabrielle Darvell) on 9571 7838 or

XUNO – APP available for all platforms

The new look XUNO APP has been launched and we encourage you to start using it. Download the APP from the Apple store or the Google Play Store.


You can login using your XUNO login details and use the school code f3ci5b.



Please send through any feedback on

Woolworths Earn & Learn

A huge thank you to all the parents, students and staff who helped to collect Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers. We collected a fantastic 24,900 stickers which we will redeem for footballs, dodge balls, netballs, soccer balls, playing cards and a variety of games and educational resources.



Gabrielle Darvell

Business Manager