Success Stories

Top Scouting Award

Tabitha Judge (Year 10 Cameron 2) has earned the Australian Scout Medallion. To attain the top award in each of the 5 sections in Scouting reflects initiative in tackling this challenge, sustained effort over many months and years, plus self discipline, teamwork and leadership. Congratulations Tabitha and we as a College look forward to witnessing your future successes.

Tabitha Judge Year 12 Cameron 2
Tabitha Judge Year 12 Cameron 2

Operatic Talent

Emilie Washington (Year 12 Penola 2) has been selected to perform in the Victorian Opera production of The Magic Pudding. This is Emilie's second selection to perform in a Victorian Opera. Well done Emilie!

Emilie's name in the program
Emilie's name in the program

Scholarship Honour

Chloe Zahra (Year 12 Cameron 3) has recently been awarded a Freemasons "Lodge of Tradition Scholarship" for Academic performance. Her grandfather and great grandfather were / are Freemasons members therefore she was eligible to apply. What a great honour and well done Chloe.

Chloe Zahra Year 12 Cameron 3
Chloe Zahra Year 12 Cameron 3

MSJ Student Modelling An Active Lifestyle

MSJ student Kiara Weerasekera (Year 12 Solomon 2) is featured on the Australian Government Website encouraging girls to get active. Kiara's active story will be featured on the website in the coming weeks.

Tell Us Your Success Story...

If you are a past student, current student or a parent / carer and you know of some great things that MSJ students are achieving outside of the College, please let us know by emailing We would love to share these achievements with the College Community.