
A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim at.

Bruce Lee (1940-1973)

Stand tall, Walk proud!

We are very excited to announce the school theme for 2019 as developed by the Students leaders - ASPIRE.

Which is simply all about rising higher; directing your hopes or ambitions towards achieving a goal or dream.

So we look forward to every member of our school community aspiring in every way in 2019! At the last couple of whole school assemblies there have been large numbers of students receiving their Bronze Phoenix Awards - firstly congratulations to all of them; secondly, it led us to crunch some numbers and we have established that so far 75% of our students have received the Bronze Phoenix this year - outstanding effort everybody. It is our opinion that every student every year should receive Bronze Phoenix level - easily. 

Silver Phoenix Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who received their Silver Phoenix Award at the last whole school assembly.  You should be proud of your acheievement.



Arlen Cochrane, Indie Anderson and Jeorgia Bell-McKean.


Bailey Gotts and Lucy Neary.



Riley Kliendienst, Isabella Murray, Concetta Panuccio, Hayden Menzies and Jade McFayden.



Cailin Purss, Salisar Poomipak, Penelope Rummery, Gemma Taylor, Lachlan Williams, Grace Tamaki-Nelson, Bridie Power and Nicholas Witcher.


Bronze Phoenix Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who received their Bronze Phoenix Award at the last whole school assembly.  Well done!


Callum Dailey,  Layla Cromie, Jordan Archibald, Kaytie Cooper, Ruby Bastian, Olivia Brown, Ruby Armstrong, Courteney Dade and Stephanie Barlow.






Jacob Kalinowski, Dazelle Duma, Jude Dulay, Nicholas Faulkner, Aiden Hails-Stewart, Adam Harris, Thomas Frost-Swan, Nickey Doyle and Kyrah Edmonds.




Hayley McDonald, Leticia McCudden and Lauren Parker.




Bianca Richey, Sumilla Zulkifli and Imogen Wright.


I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Stephen Covey (1932-2012)