Principal's Report

If no mistake you have made, but losing you are. A different game you should play.

Yoda, Jedi Master  896BBY-4ABY


Welcome to the Week 6 Term Two newsletter.



I'm very pleased to announce that the Department's HR directorate confirmed to me earlier in the week that Roy Ferris had been appointed permanently to our Part-time General Assistant's position. Roy has been doing an amazing job since joining our staff and I welcome him now as a permanent member of the Uralla Central School family.

We continue our search for a replacement for Nathan Elbourne and thank Peter Sims who has been filling in, in a temporary capacity. I have escalated this situation to the Principal Education Officer responsible in this area in the School Services Directorate and am hopeful of a positive resolution in the near future.

Julie Clark has had a setback in her recovery to her finger injury and recently underwent further surgery. Again we are hopeful that we will see her return to work in a staged way before the end of term.

Lifelong Learning

We will be looking at the implementation of a Learning Management System called Canvas in the back half of this year. This system will allow much greater communication on all levels and as we get closer to our roll out we will release more detailed information. 

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)



In the last newsletter I suggested that reports would be issued by Friday 7 June, due to some unforseen delays this did not occur. Junior School reports will be issued on Tuesday 11 June and the remaining Middle and Senior School reports will now be issued on Friday 14 June. We apologise for the slight delay.



The new Library furniture arrived last week and is now in place - I have to say that it looks fantastic even if I am biased. This means we are one step closer to finalising the Library refurbishment. When it is fully complete we will have a truly spectacular facility that will benefit students for many years to come. 

Could I once again pass on the high regard and esteem of Uralla Central School students and staff for Mr Arnold Goode, a longstanding friend and benefactor of the students of our school. Arnold was a 'gentle' man in every sense of the word. We were indeed saddened to hear of his passing and offer our sincere condolences to his immediate and extended family. Vale Arnold Goode.


As always cherish your children, enjoy the next three weeks (hopefully we'll get some rain) and until the next newsletter we will continue to strive to be a school where students achieve at their personal best, where our school improvement projects continue and where all of us not only stand tall and walk proud but ASPIRE!

The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

The willingness to learn is a choice.

Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Author of Dune