Positive Education

The importance of Exploring a Growth Mindset

There has been many a time where we have thought that we can’t do something and that we either do not have the skills or the intelligence to accomplish a task or we feel that there is no point even tackling something as we do not have the skill set to be successful. 


Our attitude influences how we will respond to any situation, how we relate to those around us and how happy we are at any given moment.  Those who have a Fixed Mindset will tend to believe that their learning, talents or achievements in life are all static and so they won’t feel that they can or will develop them.  However, those people who have a Growth Mindset will believe that anything is achievable and that they can nurture and develop changes in their lives, realise it is possible to add new skills to their repertoire and see that all they do is always a work in progress.


In order to practice improving one’s mind set and focus in on allowing it to grow rather than be fixed it is not as simple as saying “Just don’t give up” there is an actual process that is required to ensure that change can occur.  According to researchers at the Langley Group in order to practice Growth Mindset you need to emphasise what you are learning each time you try something new, focus on the progress you are making toward a goal, rather than what will happen if you don’t get there and challenge self – limiting assumptions.  (Langley Group 2015)


As a parent it is always important that you encourage your son or daughter to use a Growth Mindset when focusing in on tasks set for school and life in general.  Parents need to support children’s learning both inside and outside the classroom no matter what the age, ensure that you are working in partnership with your son or daughter’s teacher or teachers, worry less about being an advocate for ensuring that your son or daughter is focused only on marks and ensure that they are challenging themselves, being challenged and promoting the ideas around growing. 


Finally, it is important to recognise the importance of the power of YET.  If we are all in a Fixed Mindset we are working with what we can only do NOW.  If we are in a Growth Mindset we are able to work with the power of what we can do in the future.  “Every time you hear a voice saying ‘You are not ______’ add YET.  ‘I am not _________ yet.’ ” Dr Carol Dweck


To find out more about the benefits of Growth Mindset read Carol Dweck’s book Mindset or watch one of her amazing TED Talks such as the one linked here:


Another exploration which may give you inspiration or help teach you some new skill sin relation to the Power of YET and using a Growth Mindset is to watch Jeremy Cowart’s ‘I’m Possible’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC-rpAkfE2I

“I change myself, I change the world.” M.K Ghandi.


A couple of years ago Mount Carmel College was asked to trial a resource that many leading child and adolescent psychologists thought would be ground breaking and that resource was SchoolTV. After a period of time we as a College and many other Colleges around the country gave it our tick of approval.  


For those who unaware, SchoolTV is a wellbeing platform that allows you as parents or guardians to explore many topics that are pertinent to your child’s life.  These topics are added to once a month and vary in nature, and are then archived so you can type in the search bar and find what you are looking for,

SchoolTV assists you as parents and guardians and provides resources that are relevant, fact based and informative around ensuring that you are raising a child who is resilient, grateful and strong.  It pools some of Australia and the world’s leading experts on a one platform, allowing you to access their teachings, ideas, and thoughts.  As a parent or a guardian it can be overwhelming at times and this resource acts as to provide credible and practical ideas using easy to listen to videos, clear and considered resources sheets and other forms of information. 


Finding SchoolTV is easy for all Mount Carmel parents as it can be found by going to the College website and clicking on the PARENT tab and it will be the first one that appears.  The feedback over the years has been absolutely positive so I encourage all parents of the College to either visit for the first time, revisit if you have not for a while or continue to use as a tool to assist you when needed.

College Planner

Last year we explored the idea of using Learning Curve to produce our planner (Years 3 -10) as they specialise in resources linked to exploring and teaching Positive Education.  The idea was that the planner would complement any wellbeing focuses staff would undertake in CLAN time, wellbeing or Health lessons or just as an incidental lesson or conversation.  As parents, if you have not already explored the planner I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so and even encourage your daughter to use some of the activities, resources or ideas that are on the left hand side.  This resource is another way that as a College community we can continue to assist in encouraging a stronger mindset and happier mental health. 

Danielle Miller

On Monday evening as part of a Girls Alliance initiative, a number of staff and parents attended an evening with Danielle Miller.  She is an author, educator, business woman, media commentator and a leading expert and champion of girls where she explores how to get the very best out of them. 

If you were unable to attend the evening or want to use some of her resources or follow her blog you can access these through http://danniellemiller.com/ or http://www.enlighteneducation.com/


Melanie Sluyters

Director of Positive Education