The Year 8 STRIVE program is in full swing and student enthusiasm and willingness to challenge themselves has been demonstrated through their participation in Monday afternoon activities and the recent Year 8 Camp at end of Term 1.


The Year 8 Camp based at Adventure Bay on Bruny Island provided a range of experiences and challenges.  Students pitched and slept in tents for the two nights and participated in a busy schedule of activities.  They walked to Waterfall Creek and Fluted Cape, swam, rafted and played in the ocean at Adventure Bay Beach, considered the indigenous history of the area and the perspectives of the indigenous people and reflected on their experiences and achievements together in prayer on the beach in the darkness each evening.  At the beginning of Term 1, when year 8 gathered together for the first STRIVE afternoon students were asked to do two things in particular as they engaged with the program. Students were simply asked to try; and to cope.  Staff attending the camp on Bruny Island couldn't be more impressed with the eagerness with which students were willing to try - something new, something challenging or uncomfortable throughout the camp program and their capacity to cope with individual situations, discomfort and  fatigue.  Students obviously embraced the essence of the STRIVE program - to challenge and extend themselves - and they should be proud of themselves for doing so.


In Term 2 and 3 the focus returns to the Monday afternoon experiences which center around the students place in the world. The Year 8 STRIVE program in Term 2 and continuing into Term 3 is designed to engage students with the environments around them with a specific focus on the City, The Mountain (kunanyi) and the River Derwent.  Students will be encouraged to reflect on how they are connected to the City, Mountain and River and the connections between these key aspects of Hobart’s geography.  The experiences are intended to promote students thinking and awareness of the world around them, development of life skills and facilitate personal growth.  The scheduling of these activities during the colder months of the year requires students to be prepared with appropriate and necessary clothing for each outdoor experience as cold and sometimes wet conditions can be expected.  Getting out and about during winter and being prepared for all conditions are an important part of the real-world learning experiences students are engaging with. Underpinning this whole initiative is the belief that each individual is a productive participant in something larger than themselves.  Essentially, learn much more about myself unexpectedly is the process of thinking, pondering, and the spirituality sessions conducted at the College provide the anchor for student perspectives and the interpretation of all of their experiences.


I am very proud with the way in which year 8 students have participated, challenged themselves and learnt so far and look forward to the remainder of the year ahead.  The program for Term 2 and 3 is below.


Mr Stewart Bennett

STRIVE Coordinator

Term 2 STRIVE Experiences

Monday Afternoons - Week 6B: Monday 3 June and Week 8B: Monday 17 June



Location: Waterworks Reserve

Transport: College Vehicle

Clothing: Sport Uniform + waterproof jacket

Food: BYO packed lunch + water

Details: Students will be taught basic bush navigation techniques using a map and compass.  In groups of two or three, students will be set off to locate fixed checkpoints accessible via trails within the Waterworks Reserve.  Student groups will be working unsupervised within a defined area, reporting back to supervising teachers at a central location.  This is a moderately active experience in an outdoor setting requiring students to follow instructions, work independently and work effectively in small groups.    


City Rogaine

Location: Hobart CBD to Mount Carmel College

Transport: College Vehicle

Clothing: Sport Uniform + waterproof jacket

Food: BYO packed lunch + water

Details: Students will be taught basic urban orientation and navigation techniques using street maps and their phone.  In groups of three or four, students will be dropped on the northern side of the Hobart CBD and asked to locate various services such as Police, Fire, RHH Emergency Department, Service Tasmania in a logical sequence as they make their way back to the College on foot.  Student groups will be working unsupervised within a defined area, reporting back to supervising teachers located at Salamanca Place enroute to the College Campus.  This is a moderately active experience in an urban setting requiring students to follow instructions, work independently and work effectively in small groups, demonstrate responsible pedestrian behaviour and traffic awareness.  


Coast Clean Up

Location: Marieville Esplanade / Sandy Bay Road 

Transport: Walking

Clothing: Sport Uniform + waterproof jacket

Food: BYO packed lunch + water

Details: Students will participate in a coastal litter and debris clean-up of the Derwent River foreshore nearby the College Campus.  This session will be facilitated by College staff and external educators to inform students of the consequence of releasing litter into the environment and then equip students to take some direct action in removing waste from the river environment and empower them to make decisions in their own lives to minimise their own rubbish.  All clean up equipment including gloves will be provided. 



Location: Mount Carmel College

Clothing: Sport Uniform   

Food: Lunch as per usual in the College grounds.

Details: These sessions will allow the students to reflect upon their place and role within God’s Creation.  They will be facilitated by College staff and members of the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office’s Catholic Identity and Evangelisation Team.   Students will be exposed to various form of Spiritual practices including walking a labyrinth, creating and meditating upon a hand labyrinth as well as participating in the Examen. 


Community Awareness Week: Week 10

Further details will be provided during Term 2 regarding student options for participation in this.

Term 3 STRIVE Experiences

Monday Afternoons:

  • Week 2B: Monday 29 July
  • Week 4B: Monday 12 August
  • Week 6B: Monday 26 August
  • Week 8B: Monday 9 September

Mountain Walk

Location: Kunanyi above Springs

Transport: College Vehicle

Clothing: Sport Uniform + waterproof jacket + warm clothes

Food: BYO packed lunch + water

Details: Students are briefed on what to expect and need to arrive ready to be outside and walking in any weather.  This intended to challenge students to be prepared and cope with the conditions, as well as allow students to enjoy a beautiful environment.



Location: Marieville Esplanade - Derwent River

Transport: Students walk

Equipment: Students wear full winter sports uniform and bring a spare pair of shoes and socks and a towel to dry their feet.  (one pair of shoes and socks will get wet). 

Details: Facilitated by Roaring 40s Sea Kayaking with two guides, students paddle in double sea kayaks along the Derwent shoreline looking at storm water outlets, natural and built shorelines and continuing a conversation about water quality, management and coastal ecosystems and the impact that urban activities have on estuarine and marine environments.


Water testing / plastic sampling

Location: Access points around Derwent River

Transport: Students walk

Details: This activity builds on student’s awareness of coastal environments and ecosystems through Term 2 clean-up activities.  Students will be sampling and testing sand and sediment for microplastics using the Australian Microplastic Assessment Program methodology and data collected will be contributed to a national data base to increase our understanding of the prevalence and impact of plastic in the environment.



Location: Mount Carmel College

Clothing: Sport Uniform

Food: Lunch as per usual in the College grounds.

Details: These sessions will allow the students to reflect upon their place and role within God’s Creation.