Important Dates, Reminders and Announcements

Dates for 2020




Wed12th ~ Meet and Greet (  using the code t5gxe )

Friday 14th ~ 3pm Assembly

Thursday 20th ~ Reconciliation Information Evening (for eligible students in Year 3)

Sunday 23rd ~ Clayton Festival (St Peter's School has a stand and our Ukelele group are performing)

Friday 28th  ~ 3pm Assembly

Sunday 1st  ~ 9:30 am ~ Presentation mass for Sacrament of Reconciliation candidates.


Friday 13th ~ 3pm Assembly

Friday 27th  ~ Last day of Term 1 Students finish 3:25 pm

2020 Term Dates for students

(Dates are subject to alteration)

Term 1   30th Jan -  27th March

Term 2  14th April - 26th June

Term 3  13th July - 18th Sept

Term 4   5th Oct - 17th Dec

CSEF Funding

If you are the holder of a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a Health Care Card you may be eligible to receive a small grant from the Government which will be put towards the costs of your child's excursion, swimming or camp fees each year.

Please see Margaret in the office for an application form prior to  February 15th.

If families applied for this benefit last year, they will automatically be processed again - in this instance there is no need to reapply.

School Banking

If your child has a Commonwealth Bank Account please send their 'Dollarmite' book to school if you would like them to participate in school banking.

If you don't have a bank account but would like to participate, please visit your local Commonwealth Bank Branch to discuss this further.

This year school banking will happen every Thursday.  We request that Books are handed in every Thursday morning to the classroom teacher.

Thank you!


As we start a new year it is important that all Care Monkey profiles are up to date and that any Asthma or allergy medication (Epipen/Claratyne/Zyrtec) is given to the class teacher along with a plan signed by a doctor. This should be done as soon as possible.

Car Parking Opposite School

Parents are required to read and adhere to the local parking restrictions and signage around the school and in particular opposite the school in the Church Carpark. 

Drop off and pick up times are very busy with extra traffic and pedestians which means added caution must be taken such as moving in and out of the carpark.

There is an entry and and exit to the carpark to reduce the level of risk, and timeframes where restriction applies to right hand turns from the carkpark between 8am-9:30am and again between 3pm and 4:30pm.


The school has also taken the extra precaution of ensuring the trees at the exit of the car park are trimmed down to ensure drivers have visibility to see pedestrians approaching which allows them to giveway.