Library News

Foundation and Year 5/6 Night Library

The library was buzzing with students, activity and parents, grandparents and guardians, during last week’s Night Library sessions on Thursday.  The Foundation students enjoyed hearing “Slinky Malinki OPEN THE DOOR” and all the mischief he got up to with his rainbow lorikeet friend, Stickybeak Syd. They also sang about that kookaburra that sits in the old gumtree!  After a short time there were handmade Slinky Malinki stick puppets everywhere!

As the night progressed the Year 5/6 students filled the library with laughter as they busily tried to solve book related puzzles and secret codes of many types. Our Library Captains attended and on Friday at assembly, they announced and gave out many prizes to the Foundation and Year 5/6 Quiz winners.

A great night was had by all.

Spooky Stories Night Library

What a fabulous Spooky Stories Night Library we had this year! The kids were sooooooo quiet during the story, and we enjoyed seeing Nicki Greenbergs wonderful illustrations. Lots of spooky fun and great creepy music by Chris! Thank you!

Thank you Sandra, Sue and Amanda! Your support and help tonight was wonderful and much appreciated.