A message from the Principal 

What a wonderful year we’ve had at Rowville Secondary College!  A year that has been focused on developing learning strengths and strategies so we are the best learners and the very best versions of ourselves, building strong relationships and creating new friendships. Our RSC community is built through like-minded students, parents and staff who are all working together for the greater good and achieving so much more collectively than as one.


In January this year, I met with our 2019 School Captains to plan for the year. We decided on a theme of – ‘This is us’, evolving from last year’s theme ‘This is me’. ‘This is us’ focuses entirely on one of our four school values ‘Community’ and how we are all in this together, and together, we can and will do amazing things.


In 2019 we have shared knowledge, connections with people, inspiration, resources and supported each other along the way.  We have nurtured a powerful culture within our school - one that shouts kindness, gratitude and bravery. These three traits all ignite grit, resilience and determination to play our part individually (as students, parents, teachers and staff) and all together as one group making RSC “One Great School.”


Our Learning Mentor sessions have continued to flourish across the school with students across all year levels forming strong friendships and interacting through sharing breakfast, building learning strengths, playing games, celebrating birthdays and student success stories. They have each other’s back and best interest at heart. I was happy to hear this from a graduating year 12 student when he summed up his time at the college “My most memorable moment is winning the Dodgeball Tournament this year with my Learning Mentor group. Everyone in my Learning Mentor group is amazing and we are all super great friends. Going to miss it heaps.”


Our house spirit and good-hearted rivalry has thrived this year, with our Athletics Day in May drawing a huge number in attendance with some amazing costumes worn by our students.  Our student leadership group ran activities for everyone to get involved in and our fierce competitors took part on the track and field with Mabo taking the win on the day. Our students decided our house mascots and these were announced in term 3 - Go Stynes Sharks, Mabo Dingoes, Aston Kangaroos and Walton Eagles! 


Some of the highlights I will not forget this year was the overwhelming attendance at our school open nights and program information nights in term 1. It was delightful to meet so many prospective and new families interested and excited to see RSC in action and to see the local community embracing our One Great School. The grand opening of our Year 7 Commons, a state of the art facility which hosts our year 7 learning, new art room, outdoor garden and up to date digital technology. 


I always love hearing back from the students who went to Central Australia and the simple life lessons they learned. I believe this quote from one of our year 10 students sums it up beautifully and showcases the real essence of ‘This is us’: “My most enjoyable moments was experiencing the comparisons between the outback life and city life. Also, how bonds were strengthened over 10 days with students from different campuses and how unexpected friendships were formed. This stemmed from not using our phones as much which taught us how to independently communicate with others and get to know people for who they truly are.”


I am delighted at all our students’ achievements this year at Rowville Secondary College including the numerous leadership, academic, sporting, arts and community awards and accolades. Additionally I’d like to thank and acknowledge all our students who raised money and awareness for a variety of different charities and community groups. Congratulations everyone (individuals, teams and houses) you should all be very proud!


We have achieved a great deal this year and I wholeheartedly would like to say ‘job well done’ to all of our talented students, passionate and hardworking teachers and support staff, and dedicated parents for their continuous support. I am honoured to be a part of this village we call Rowville Secondary College and look forward to a brilliant 2020 ahead.  And so I leave you with this powerful quote: “Every single one of us matters, our stories, our voices matter. With love and respect, we have the power to shape the future.” Danzal Baker, 2019 Young Australian of the Year. (*Source - 2019 RSC Yearbook).


Ms. Julie Kennedy

College Principal