From the Editor


Greetings and welcome to this edition of the newsletter for Australasian Palliative Link International (APLI).


The best laid plans sometimes go astray and the delayed publication of this newsletter is an example of this. Our intention was to have this sent out in December along with associated season’s greetings, but alas – this was not to be.


Much has happened since our last newsletter. Most importantly APLI has a new Chair, Christine Drummond; we welcome her to this role and are confident that she will lead APLI well, with enthusiasm and wisdom. I have stepped down from the position of Chair but will continue to put together this newsletter.


Please take some time to read the various articles that follow. We rely on membership subscriptions to continue operating so please maintain your support by completing the form on the next page.

Comments and questions are always welcome, so don’t hesitate to write to us via


Anil Tandon