Student Wellbeing News

Update from the Year Prep Community
The Preps have been learning how to cope with feelings. We used the Feelings Thermometer to understand that feelings and events can affect us.
We can feel different things at different times for lots of reasons. We are all different and this can help us to cope with feelings.
The Preps have also been taking part in Circle Time. We love playing games that help us to get to know our friends better. We say nice things to one another and it makes us feel good! We have been reading books that teach us about unfriendly behaviour and how it can affect others.
Message from the Student Leaders
Well done to all Learning Communities on the huge effort you have put into making our school the cleanest it has ever been!
Last week we went COLD TURKEY removing all of the main rubbish bins from in and around the learning spaces, replacing them with small bins JUST for tissues and pencil shavings.
The students have responded really well to the change and are putting in a huge effort to take all of their food scraps home. Mr Hitch and the Year 5/6 students who collect the rubbish on Friday afternoons are noticing a HUGE difference! Well done, let's keep up the great work.
Miss Melanie Larkin
Student Wellbeing Leader