Mr David Whewell | Principal

Principal’s Message 

As this is the final newsletter for Term 2, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our students, staff and parents for their support, partnership and effort. It’s been fantastic to have so many events happening this term across all year levels.  For example, the Prep to Year 3 Dance program with Mr. David Skinner, with the final lesson culminating in many parents attending. Great fun was had by all and parents were happy to join in and show their dance moves. The Year 2 and 3 parent participation events were very well attended. Thank you to the Year 2 and 3 staff for showcasing the learning in such an enjoyable format and thank you to the parents for supporting your child’s learning.  

Arriving late for school 

We all run late sometimes. For your child, arriving late to school occasionally won't cause major disruption. Inevitably though, chronic lateness eventually takes its toll on a child's overall educational experience. Students depend on the structure of the day. When students are repeatedly late, these routines are disrupted. Children who are often late have trouble settling in and learning routines. In many classrooms, particularly at the primary level, morning routines are critical to daily lessons. Warm up activities may introduce topics that will be covered later in the day, or review work that offers students an opportunity to revisit previously learned skills. Lateness has a serious impact on student success across all learning areas. If you are having issues getting your child to school on time, please speak to your child’s teacher for support. 


End of Term Assembly 

On the last day of Term 2, Friday 23rd June, there will be an assembly in the gym, beginning at 1:50pm. Parents are very welcome. End of term specialist awards will be presented. Children will be dismissed from their classroom at 2:30pm.   


Holiday Construction Projects 

Building works will continue during the holiday break.  The contractor is aiming for the new building (library, art room etc.) to be finished by early August; weather permitting. Our Business Manager’s room will be renovated on the holidays, whilst we have a group coming out to enhance our asphalt artwork and another company here to fix concreting issues outside the prep building. 


Student Reports 

Your child’s reports will be available via Compass as of Tuesday 20th June. Please take time to reflect on your child’s progress in Semester 1.   

Final thoughts 

I’m incredibly proud of our students' learning growth and interpersonal development and greatly appreciate our teachers' focus on the learning and wellbeing of all students throughout this term. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and hope we get some sunny winter days in the mix to enjoy some outside activities during the break. Take care of each other, stay warm and we will see you all on 10th July.  


David Whewell | Principal