Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

First Holy Communion

Registration is open for any student wishing to make their First Holy Communion this year 2023.  


Your child is eligible to make their First Holy Communion if they are in Year 3 or older and have made the prior sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation


Please complete the information on the following link as soon as possible so that the information can be coordinated through the Parish.  This link will only be open until the 31st July 2023.


Please keep these candidates in your prayers as they begin their preparation for this Sacrament. 

St Vinnies Winter appeal: THANK YOU !

What a wonderful community we have here at OLF! Because of your amazing contributions to the Vinnies Winter Appeal, we were able to support some members of our local community who are experiencing hardship We have helped, in a very tangible way, to rebuild people’s lives and give them hope! 


When the items were collected at the end of last term, the Vinnie's representative was so very appreciative of the school’s contributions saying that “ I know exactly where many of these items are going ! You have changed their lives!”. 


The Representative went on to say that: When the goods were being unpacked at their meeting the comment was made that “It is unbelievable the difference our contributions will make to our Caringbah community. Many see Caringbah as an affluent area however there are children and adults living amongst us that live lives that are so totally different to the lives that we are blessed with.”


The Vinnies Caringbah Chapter has asked that their thanks and appreciation be passed on to each of you! 

Grandparents Day Mass and  Celebrations

This Friday we celebrate the wonderful gift of our Grandparents. Celebrations begin with Mass at 9.15am, followed by morning tea on Fatima Forum and a chance to visit classrooms to see the amazing work done by the students! 


In the ‘Welcome’ that will be read at Mass, you will hear the following words of gratitude and appreciation …..


Your presence is a cherished gift to the community and we are grateful for the wisdom and guidance you bring to our lives. You are the roots that anchor us, the branches that stretch toward the future and the leaves that provide shade and comfort. Your experiences, stories and teachings enrich us and help us navigate life's journey with greater understanding and resilience.


May you continue to be beacons of light, love and faith in our families and communities.’  


View: The gift that you are: A song for Grandparents by Andrew Chinn



Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator