Local Excursion Permission

In 2023, Dohertys Creek P-9 College may take students outside of school grounds to undertake educational activities in the local area. All parents of students in Year 1 – 8 have received a notification in Compass for consent to be provided for local excursions during 2023. Previously this consent was provided by parents upon enrolment.
Please note that Prep parents have already given consent for their students to participate in local excursions for 2023 during the enrolment process.
Numerous emails and SMS messages have been sent out to remind parents who have not yet provided consent to do so ASAP. If you have received such a reminder please make sure that you provide consent on Compass as soon as possible so that your child does not miss out on any exciting opportunities to participate in any planned local excursions. This consent does NOT provide consent for excursions that go beyond the local area.
What is a local excursion?
Local excursions are excursions to locations within walking distance of the school and do not involve ‘Adventure Activities’. Examples of local excursions that your child may participate in throughout 2023 could include:
- Physical Education lessons at Mainview Oval– students will walk to the Mainview Oval from Dohertys Creek P-9 College.
- Walks to the local park in Sedgefield Avenue.
Notification of local excursions
Dohertys Creek P-9 College will NOT seek further consent from you before local excursions take place. However, we will provide advance notice to parents/carers of upcoming local excursions via Compass as we do for all other Excursions / Incursions. For local excursions that occur on a recurring basis, Dohertys Creek P-9 College will notify parents/carers once only prior to the commencement of the recurring event, eg; weekly sports lessons at the local oval. Please keep the school informed of any updated contact details to ensure you receive these notifications.
First aid and Medical Attention Where necessary, school staff will administer first aid. School staff will also seek emergency medical attention for your child if it is considered reasonably necessary. Any costs associated with student injury rest with parents/carers unless the Department of Education and Training is liable in negligence (liability is not automatic).
Accident and ambulance cover The Department of Education and Training does not provide student accident insurance or ambulance cover. Parents may wish to obtain this cover, depending on their health insurance arrangements and any other personal considerations. You may withdraw this consent at any time prior to the day of a local excursion by emailing the College at Dohertys.creek.p9.co@education.vic.gov.au .