Upcoming Important Dates and Information

Friday 23rd June
Last day of term 2.
The last day of school for Term 2 is Friday, 23rd June .Students will finish school on this day at 1.00pm.
Term 3 July 2023
Monday 10th July
First day of Term 3
The first day of Term 3 is Monday 10th July. School will commence at 8.40am
Tuesday 11th July
Year 4D,F & G Immigration Museum Excursion
In Term 3 Students of 4D, 4F and 4G will engage in the learning progrram "Our Land Our Stories". In this Program students will dive into the history of Australia's First Nation People and develop an undertanding of what life was like for Indigenous Australian's.
Wednesday 12th July
Year 3, 7 & 8 Athletics Carnival
The Year 3, 7, 8 Athletics Carnival will be held on Wednesday July 12th at the VU Werribee Athletics Track, Hoppers Lane, Hoppers Crossing. Children will be involved in a series of events including the 100m Sprint, 200m Sprint, 800m, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus, Shot Put & High Jump.
Thursday 13th July
Year 4A,B & C Immigration Museum Excursion
In Term 3 Students of 4A, 4B and 4C will engage in the learning progrram "Our Land Our Stories". In this Program students will dive into the history of Australia's First Nation People and develop an undertanding of what life was like for Indigenous Australian's.
Monday 17th July
Year 4, 5 & 6 Athletic Carnival.
The Year 4, 5 & 6 Athletics Carnival will be held on Wednesday July 12th at the VU Werribee Athletics Track, Hoppers Lane, Hoppers Crossing. Children will be involved in a series of events including the 100m Sprint, 200m Sprint, 800m, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus, Shot Put & High Jump.
Monday 31st July to Friday 4th August
Year 2 Intensive Swim Program
Swimming is part of the Health & Physical Education Curriculum. On each day during the week of July 31 - August 4, Year 2 children will have a daily 40-45 min swimming lesson at the Laverton Swim & Fitness Centre under the instruction of qualified swim teachers.
We sugguest your child brings a packed lunch on these days.
Monday 7th August
Cheer Tostie Truck Fundraisier
The Cheer Toastie Truck is coming to our school on Monday the 7th of August! There is nothing better than a warm toastie on a cold winter's day.For only $3 your child can enjoy a yummy cheese toastie whilst also helping fundraise for our Giraffe Shed (Every little bit helps).For every $3 toastie sold, $2 will be donated to the school - how good is that!!Now for the important info:
- all toasties must be pre-ordered on Compass by Sunday 30th July at the latest. Unfortunately late orders cannot be accepted due to ordering deadlines set by Saputo Dairy.
- Cheer cheese is Halal
- If you would like to volunteer to assist the Cheer toastie truck team on the day please email the school at dohertys.creek.p9.co@education.vic.gov.au. You will need to have a valid working with children check card to be able to volunteer (we can help you do this if you need assistance).
To join in on the fun and help raise funds for our Giraffe shed simply jump on to Compass now and order your child a scrumdiddlyumptious toastie
Friday 11th August
Year 7 & 8 Mandarin Program Incursion
Instructors from Chinese Museum will host the following workshops
Year 7 Kung Fu and Ancient Chinese Inventions
Year8 Kung Fu and "We Are Strong Within" Anti-bullying workshop
Monday 14th August
Curriculum Day- no students at school
Tuesday 15th August to Friday 18th August
Prep Intensive Swim Program
Swimming is part of the Health & Physical Education Curriculum. On each day during the week of August 15 - 18, Prep children will have a daily 40-45 min swimming lesson at the Laverton Swim & Fitness Centre under the instruction of qualified swim teachers.
We sugguest your child brings a packed lunch on these days.
Tuesday 5th September
Prep A B F G H Animal Land Farm Excursion
Our visit to the Animal Land Children's Farm will engage all our senses as we touch, feel, play and learn.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket
Thursday 14th September
Prep C D E I Animal Land Farm Excursion
Our visit to the Animal Land Children's Farm will engage all our senses as we touch, feel, play and learn.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle and wear appropriate shoes/jacket