Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

How are we at week 7 of the Term! This Semester seems to be flying past us! The preps have shown how much they’ve grown throughout the term and are sharing their achievements and learning with their teachers. It is such an exciting time of learning for them.

During phonics time the students have been learning a new set of sounds. They have learned the diagraph sounds for  Qu, Ch, Sh and Th and have engaged in a range of rotations relating to their new sounds. During reading and writing the students have begun looking at what a noun is and using the shared text ‘ Grandpa, Grandpa’ to support their understanding. They have also started to create mini books that they share with the other students within the learning group. 

In math the students have been learning about the combinations that make 5, as they begin to learn about addition and how two quantities make 1. The students have played a range of math games to explore this concept and the multiple ways that 5 is made. They then begun looking at the number facts that make 10 and how they can make 10 using a range of materials to demonstrate their understanding.

Throughout religion the students have engaged in Godly play experience relating to the story of when Judas betrayed Jesus. Students then explored the importance of the liturgy of the word and what it symbolizes in the catholic traditions. The students also explored the various words that are used within mass.


For the remainder of the year your child will be given the opportunity to take the learning group ‘Everywhere Bear’ home where they’ll get the chance to record their time together. Please make sure that the bear is looked after as we want to make sure all students get to have their turn. We look forward to seeing the amazing adventures that you get up to together.


If you haven’t already, please ensure that you’ve booked a time to meet with your child’s learning group teacher for a learning conversation as this is an important time for your child to share their work and achievements throughout this Semester. This can be done through the school website.



Some friendly reminders:

  • Readers - Please ensure that you return all decodable books by the end of Term. Students will be using their BugClub login details to read over the holidays. 
  • Students require their iPads for learning. Please ensure that they’re charged and brought to school each day.
  • King's Birthday Holiday - 12th June - School Closed
  • Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via School Website) - Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm (School Closure Day - NO SCHOOL)
  • Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via School Website) - Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm
  • End of Term 23rd June - School finishing at 1p

Tips for reading at home:

  • Talk about what is happening in the pictures in the book before reading
  • Discuss words that your child is unsure about
  • Make predictions about what the story might be about. What do you think will happen? What will happen next?
  • Start at the end of the book. How do you think the story got to this point?
  • Talk about what they’ve learned from reading the text


Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two

The following paragraphs were written by some of our 5/6 students which they presented at our Learning Centre assembly on Wednesday of this week.

Winter Lightning Prem - Friday 2nd June


SOCCER by Zoe and Manuella

Last Friday, the soccer teams went to Galvin Park to compete for Winter Gala Day. When we first got there, we put on our gear and did some warm-ups. Both soccer teams won overall for their division which was very exciting for everyone. Our two teams were coached by Scott and Zach. During the breaks, the coaches would talk to us about the things we were doing well. We all showed great teamwork by passing the ball around and letting everyone have a turn in different positions. Although there were some minor hiccups, everyone had a great day and together we achieved our goal.

AFL by Emily and Elnathan

For the Winter Gala day, our AFL team went to Saltwater Reserve in Point Cook. We travelled by minibus which was driven by Gunther. We were meant to play 4 games over the day but in the end, we played 5. We ended up losing 4 games but won the fifth game against Riverbend Primary School. We all played really well, especially in our last game, which we won, because we had excellent teamwork. Christian scored our first goal and he celebrated in style. Jordan did a great job organising our positions and umpiring every game. Chelsea was fantastic at keeping score and time. Overall it was a great day and on our bus trip home, Gunther had the music blasting!

HOCKEY by Ana and Lucas

On Friday, two hockey teams went to President’s Park Werribee Tigers Hockey Field. We entered through gate 3 and then went straight into our first match against the Manor Lakes girls' team. Our team won! The score was 1 to 3. For the rest of the day, we played 5 more games. We had two ties with Werribee and Iramoo, we lost two and then won against Manor Lakes again. The other OLSC team had some wins and losses too plus a couple of injuries along the way, but overall we had a good day.

TEEBALL by Scarion and Charlie

The teeball team went to President’s Park last Friday to complete for Winter Gala. Alexandra was the convenor for the day, and Kiah and Anna came with us too. We played six games over the day. We won four, tied one and lost one. Our biggest win was against Riverbend B team, with 18 home against their 1 home. To start the day we did some warm-ups in two smaller groups. During one of the breaks, a few of the boys decided to play golf with the teeball bat and ball which was very funny. After every match, Noah and I would help Alexandra by collecting all of the scores from the games. Our team did a great job with batting and we all cheered each other on.

NETBALL by Samuella and Isabelle

On Friday of last week, three netball teams played at the Heaths Road netball courts. The schedules for each team were a little different but overall we were all playing for most of the day. Lisa, Danielle and Sandy came along with us and each one coached a different team. Throughout the day, all of our teams showed great sportsmanship by showing respect to the other teams, being resilient and cheering everybody on. Our team had a very successful day as we won all of our 7 games. We congratulate all of the netballers for their hard work and also all of the other 5/6 students for always trying their best.

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Effective Learner Awards at the LC2 assembly this week:

Alexandra's class - Noah

Scott's class - Serah

Chelsea's class - Lily

Lisa's class - Yuvan

Ann's class - Xavier

LSO awards - Natalia and Ana


Some friendly reminders...

  • King's Birthday Holiday - 12th June - School Closed
  • Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) - Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm (School Closure Day)
  • Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) - Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm
  • End of Term 23rd June - School finishing at 1 pm

Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Salena, & Scott.

Learning Centre Three


We have had lots of fun in Year 1 over the past fortnight! 


We are excited to have a new friendly octopus in each of our Learning Groups. Every Friday a child will be selected to take their class octopus home and write about it in the journal. Their adventures will be shared with the class on the following Monday.



In Literacy, we have started looking at Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. We have been exploring the imagery and language features of the Frog and Brogla and in Writing we have been focusing on retelling these stories.

In Maths, we have started looking at Addition and Subtraction. This week, we have been making number bonds to 10 and doubling. 

In Inquiry, we have been exploring different programs as part of our Digital Technology unit. We have had lots of fun trying out the Beebots, Osmos, Scratch, Dash and Dot, Code.org and iRobots. Don’t forget to download the apps if you haven’t already! 

In Religion, we have been looking at parts of a Mass. We spent time practicing the songs we would sing in preparation for our whole school Mass we had on Friday 2nd June.

On Friday we took part in the Colour Run! We had SO much fun and raised lots of money for the outdoor shaded area! 


A few important things to remember:

  • 12th June - King's Birthday Holiday - School Closed
  • Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm - Learning conversations 
    (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) (School Closure Day)
  • Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Learning Conversations 
    (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) 
  • Vinnie’s Food Drive - until Tuesday 20th June
  • Friday 23rd June - End of Term - School finishing at 1 pm

Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.

Learning Centre Four


This week in Reading, the 3/4 students have been looking at the poems of Roald Dahl’s “Revolting Rhymes”. They have been identifying rhyming pairs, finding definitions of unknown words and visualising the text as they are read. The students have really enjoyed the different take on these classic stories. 


In Writing, the 3/4 students have been focussing on writing their own shape poems. Looking at the structure of these poems and then following our writing sequence, ie. Plan, Draft, Edit and Publish. 



In Maths this week, Students have been learning about location and mapping. The 3/4 students have been focussing on using the B.O.L.T.S method, which teaches them how to use the key parts of a map to help them give and follow directions. Students have enjoyed navigating their way around OLSC using grid maps and clear directions. 



In Religion, LC4 have been learning about the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the responses during mass. They have been learning about the different stages of the Eucharist and their role in this process, such as The Doxology, Mystery of Faith, Our Father, Lamb of God and Invitation to communion.  



For Inquiry this week, the 3/4 students have been continuing to create their own Google site on a topic of their interest. They have been applying the skills that they have learned from their first Google sites and using them to showcase their chosen topics.


Hoop Time: 

This week some of our 3/4 students had the opportunity to represent OLSC at Hoop Time, a basketball competition played against other local schools. The OLSC Cats made it to the semi-finals, however came back empty handed. Better luck next time! A huge thanks to our coaches for their efforts - Adam, Beth and Zach.


Some friendly reminders…

  • Until Tuesday Week 9 - St Vinnies Winter Drive
  • Monday 12th June - King's Birthday Holiday (School Closed)
  • Friday 16th June - 3/4 Assembly
  • Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm - Learning conversations (Bookings essential via Parent Portal) - (School Closure Day)
  • Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Learning Conversations (Bookings essential via Parent Portal) 
  • Friday 23rd June - End of Term. School finishing at 1pm

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Karen, Milla and Zach.