Technology News


Our Technology Captain Riley and a small crew of grade 5/6 students have just finished building the latest Library display featuring this beautiful digital aquarium.

All of our RHPS students have had the opportunity to add their own fish to the tank, and there are now over 250 unique fish!


On top of that, they've also completed building a small robotic sausage dog, who's proudly on patrol in the main hall. He's super-friendly and will give anyone passing by slowly enough a happy tail-wag. Internally he uses a radar-gun to measure the speed of objects approaching and a small servo motor to wag his tail.

Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2

In Prep we've been finishing up everyone's turns at VR, adding fish to the digital  Aquarium, and exploring all of the new animals (including Camels and Sniffers) and features that have just arrived in Minecraft!

Grade 3/4 and 5/6

Along with more fish and exploring the new features in Minecraft, the 3-6 students have been extending their skills in Scratch and 3D Printing. Many of the Grade 5/6 students are now able to both design their own 3D models and prepare these files for 3D Printing using a piece of software called Cura which 'slices' the model into the layers that the 3D printer requires.


Make, Break, Improve people!

-Mr Taylor