
Creativity takes courage....Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


What a massive few weeks it has been.

The persistence of all artists in the art room is amazing. Especially our Grade 3-6 artists, who have been pushing through with their sewing projects. It isn’t an easy skill to master, but they have all done such a wonderful job.


We have a gorgeous display of penguin painting and sewn penguins at the front office. The grade 3/4s wanted to remind our students to, 'keep our school and oceans clean', after we have been learning about the Fairy Penguins and our human impact on them during our art classes.


They have been made with love and care and have so much personality. It was a pleasure to watch students support each other with this task and not give up when things were tricky.

The Grade 5/6s have pushed themselves with a range of designs to choose from. We have, piranhas, unicorns, foxes, frogs, guitars and dinosaurs, just to name a few. The skill set is awesome and hopefully it gives our grade 6s a nice head start as they move into year 7 textiles. 


The junior school artists have worked extremely hard to complete their artwork for the Barn Dance afternoons. Most students will have artwork on the walls and can be very proud of their efforts. We hope you enjoy the cows, barns, pigs and tractors.


Our Prep artists also shined this week as they glazed their pinch pots. They were so careful adding ‘three coats and none on the bum’! Everyone carried their pots so carefully around the room and those who were away were able to make a pot and lid today.



Just a friendly reminder that if you wish to still participate in the poster competition, the rules and paper are at the art room door. Posters need to be given to me by the 12th of July and I will hand them in for you.

We have some fabulous entries so far!!!


Have a wonderful week ahead,


Keep Creating,

Mrs. Granger