School News 


What a great fortnight we have had! 

In Reading we have been learning about how to monitor and self-correct to ensure our reading makes sense. We have learnt the new sounds of h, f, r, z y, w and x. We have really enjoyed our Author Study and are looking forward to celebrating our favourite picture story books next week on Thursday. 

In Maths we have been learning about the days of the week and revising all the concepts we have learnt this term. 

In Writing we have continued to write imaginative pieces. We had fun making our own ‘Where’s the Green Sheep’ writing and coming up with lots of creative sheep ideas. 

In Science we finished constructing our toys that move. We shared them with our class and evaluated how they work. 

This week we got the experience of virtually attending the ‘Book Bash’ held by the State Library Victoria. We listened to Australian author and illustrator Matt Cosgrove and Eva Amores share some tips and tricks to writing great stories. Matt Cosgrove is the author and illustrator of the Macca the Alpaca series. This is what the student’s thought of the ‘Book Bash’: 

“His drawing was really funny” - Zing PNM.

“I loved it when Macca the Alpaca turned into a pirate” – Leo B PAC

“It was funny” – Remy PAC


The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Alarna Creed, Elyce Munnecke and Sally Newton

Grade 1 & 2

Another busy 2 weeks in level 1/2! Only 1 more week of Term 2 to go. The year is flying by. Reports are nearly completed by teachers and will go live at the end of term. Thankyou for those who have returned portfolios already.  


In Reading, students have been building their comprehension skills. They have been finding clues in texts to help them infer what they think a character’s traits may be.  


In Writing students have been working on brainstorming nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in order to help them write interesting descriptions. They have listened to music pieces and used their understanding to describe the music by imagining a ‘movie scene’.  


In Maths, students have been learning about 2D shapes. They went on a shape hunt around the classroom or school and tried to observe features of different 2D shapes. They also played ‘Who am I?’ games to show their understanding of different 2D shapes.  


In Inquiry, students have continued their Inquiry unit ‘Change-Stimulating Science’. We have looked at observable features of objects and discussed these as a way to compare objects. They have done scientific observations on the physical changes to different things such as jelly.  


Coming up…. 

  • Monday 19th June is a Curriculum Day- No students at school. 
  • Friday 23rd June Last Day of Term 2.  

    Have a great weekend and school holidays and we look forward to seeing you all again next term.  

The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Rachel Boyle, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey 

Grade 3 & 4

We hope you all had a fabulous long weekend!


Last week the students were lucky enough to join an online learning experience with renowned children's author, Andy Griffiths. They loved the opportunity to hear writing tips and tricks from a real life author of some of their favourite books.


As the term fast reaches its end, the weather is getting much colder and we would like to remind you to send your children with a named jumper or jacket.


This Friday 23rd June will be a 2pm finish for the last day of term. We wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable break!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

WOW! What a Term, we have maintained our business throughout this term. …Some of the highlights from this Term have included.

  • Interschool Sport
  • Life Ed Van
  • Making our own Circuits
  • Learning about Australian History
  • Cross Country
  • Pink Lady Day
  • Biggest Morning Tea
  • Pizza Lunch
  • Doughnuts Morning Tea
  • Footy Clinic
  • Down ball Clinic
  • Spanish Food Truck
  • School Photos
  • Mother’s Day Stall
  • Book Fair

To name a few…..


It has been a wonderful term of learning.  Coming up for the last week of Term.  On Wednesday, grade 5’s has their Life Ed session.  Grade 5/6 students will also be presenting to their ‘Famous Australians’ to the Grade 3’s and 4’s.  From the Level 5/6 Team, we wish you a happy, restful, and safe holidays and look forward to the learning in Term 3.

Happy Holidays from the Level 5/6 Team



The Level 5/6 Team

Damien Smith, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster and Millie Pinney