
Dear families


I'm excited to let you know that as of Term 3, you will have a new Canteen Manager - Lauren Bremner. Lauren has an interest in healthy cooking and has become a staple in the Canteen over the past 12 months. Lauren is Mum to Riley in Grade 1 and has been working with me in Canteen for most of this term.

Canteen will continue to offer healthy, affordable items and Lauren has some new ideas already.

In the short term, you may see a slightly narrower menu whilst Lauren settles in.


I will be continuing to work in admin. I'm very happy that I'll still get to catch up with our fabulous students and the parents who have worked in Canteen with me over the past 13 years. 

Thank you to all who have helped out,

both regularly and those who were only available once or twice a year. I feel incredibly blessed to have shared giggles (and tears) with such a passionate and fun group of parents. 


I would also like to thank the parents on the Canteen committee, currently headed by Danni Bortignon, who have always supported my ideas.


Rolling Hills is so lucky to have such an enthusiastic band of parents.


Thank you and enjoy the holidays,
