From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

As Term 2 draws to a close, we reflect on and express gratitude for the many opportunities we have as a College to celebrate learning, life, faith and community. I would like to especially acknowledge the numerous students who have participated in co-curricular activities with the generous support and expertise of parents, carers and staff.  This past term, we have seen student involvement in winter sports, debating, music ensembles, the Senior students’ drama production, Antigone, and a host of academic competitions. Co-curricular activities have tremendous educational importance, fostering the physical, social, emotional and moral development of our students. Building perseverance, promoting courage, encouraging teamwork and exploring creativity are just a few of the character strengths that flourish through participation in co-curricular experiences. 


I have appreciated working with the Year 6s who have enjoyed the challenge of debating against students in the Inter-School Junior Debating Competition. Public speaking, articulating a point of view and defending that point of view are lifelong skills. Last week, the St Mary’s Junior School hosted debating with the support of the Year 6 students who chaired the debates alongside the Year 8, 9 and 10 debaters who undertook the challenging role of adjudication. It was a privilege to listen to the feedback from parents and staff as adjudicating a debate is not easy. The Senior students offered age-appropriate, supportive and inclusive feedback, and were a credit to themselves and the College. 


I would also like to thank and acknowledge the Year 11 and 12 students for the way they conducted themselves during the examination period. The Year 11 and 12 students completed their exams today, and the Year 10 students will commence their exams tomorrow. Exams are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning, consolidate knowledge and take on board feedback which will grow their capability and capacity as learners. Thank you also to our parents and carers for their support during this stressful period, and to Mrs Michelle Baker for overseeing the organisation of Senior School examinations with the assistance of staff. 


It has indeed been a busy and successful term. I wish families a restful break and encourage students to put away their devices and enjoy spending time with family and friends. 


Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

Deputy Principal