From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3

Greetings Good News community!


I am looking forward to the return of students on Monday as we embark on an exciting journey into Term 3. I sincerely hope that all families have had a rejuvenating break, filled with time for precious moments spent together. As we dive into the new term, we can look forward to many significant events and engaging activities ahead.

Student Reports Semester 1 

Over the holidays, staff have completed the process of completing Student Reports for Semester 1. The reports are now available for parents and students to view through Schoolbox and will provide a summary of students’ academic performance so far this year.  See the following pages in 'The Good News' for more information on viewing your child's report. 

I would like to commend students for their exceptional work ethic and commitment to their studies. The mid-year reports reveal outstanding academic progress, reflecting perseverance and determination to excel and to do their best. 


For those who may have encountered academic challenges along the way, I encourage you to persist and seek guidance and support from your teachers. Remember, with determination and the right assistance, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way. I encourage all students (with the support of your family) to continue setting high standards for yourselves as you pursue knowledge and understanding. 


I would also like to express my gratitude to all teachers and operational staff for their tireless efforts in guiding and nurturing our students' academic growth and providing an environment that supports student learning. 


May God bless the Term ahead! 

Fiona McAuliffe 
