What's Happening

City of Orange Eisteddfod - Dance

On Thursday our school has 2 dance groups performing at the Function Centre. Our primary group are performing "Under the Sea" and the senior group are dancing to "Fabulous". Both groups have been working hard rehearsing over the past few weeks. 

Thankyou to Mrs Hudson, Mrs Hodges, Mrs McKellar, Miss Payton and Miss Mia for all their work in preparing these groups.

Results are in - Equal 1st for both groups with an amazing score of 100!!


Kari Priest

Assistant Principal


Morning and afternoon transport

Dropping off and picking up students can be a very busy time at both the front and back of the school. While we strive to teach our students road and vehicle safety at every opportunity, it is very important that adults model good behaviour in and around traffic. Be alert, look out for students and have patience when waiting in your car. We all need to work together to ensure each and every student arrives and departs from school safely every day.


At back transport, parents and carers who park and walk to the gate to collect students are at risk of blocking the path of outgoing vehicles and distracting drivers exiting the driveway. If you are waiting at the gate, please stand close to the fence line and walk across the grass rather than across the driveway in front of cars. Together we are responsible for teaching our students life-long skills.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal


Welcome to new staff!

This term we welcome Ashlee Auston to our teaching staff. Ashlee has recently moved to Orange and is enjoying working across the school and getting to know all of our wonderful students.

We also welcome 3 University of Newcastle teaching interns: Inga Whan, Maxi Briton and Jasmine Callen. The interns are completing their final teaching placement in weeks 1-4 and then will take over the teaching load on classes. We are very fortunate to have this connection with a university to ensure we are helping to prepare wonderful teachers for our students.


Ashlee Auston
Maxi Briton
Jasmine Callen and Inga Whan
Ashlee Auston
Maxi Briton
Jasmine Callen and Inga Whan


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal