Wellbeing and Safety

Amy, Oscar and Pablo

Resilience Project Resource Share 

Topic: Emotional Literacy 


Did you know ...

● There are 27 main human emotions.

● We experience at least 1 emotion 90% of the time.

● And frequently experience positive & negative emotions at the same time.


If you’re interested in learning more about Emotional Literacy check out ‘The Imperfects podcast’.

In the below episode Dr Emily talks about the concept of Emotional Awareness, and explains why

it’s not only important to identify your unpleasant emotions, but why it's even more important to

express them when they arise.


Dr Emily-you are Not Your Emotions


Below is a link to more of ‘The Imperfects’ podcast episodes on The Resilience Project website or

you can listen wherever you listen to your podcasts.




Respectful Relationships 

Respectful relationships Education is the holistic approach to school based, primary prevention of gender based violence. It uses the education system as a catalyst for generational and culture change by engaging schools, as both education institution an workplaces to comprehensively address the drivers of gender based violence and create a future free from such violence. BBPS is a lead school in the Respectful Relationships Curriculum and our students have been learning the curriculum for many years. 


Here is some more information from the Victorian Government about the curriculum and why it has been mandated in all Government school. 


The Victorian Government mandate the introduction of respectful relationships education into every government school in Victoria from prep to year 12. Implementation should be staged to ensure school readiness and to allow for ongoing evaluation and adaptation. It should be delivered through a whole-of-school approach and be consistent with best practice, building on the evaluation of the model being tested by the Department of Education and Training through Our Watch.


What are we doing?

The Department of Education and Training is supporting Victorian schools and early childhood settings to implement Respectful Relationships through:

  • a Lead School and Partner School model, providing intensive training and support to Victorian Government, Catholic and independent schools to implement the whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships
  • a regional Respectful Relationships workforce that is supporting schools and early childhood education settings to implement the Respectful Relationships initiative and strengthen referral and response to family violence
  • providing support to Victorian schools to implement the Respectful Relationships curriculum
  • delivering professional learning to up to 7,700 early childhood educators working in funded kindergarten programs.

Where are we up to?

More than 1,950 Victorian schools have signed on to create a culture of gender equality and respect in their school community by implementing the Respectful Relationships whole school approach, as recommended by the Royal Commission into Family Violence. This includes all government schools.


A Project Lead and Liaison Officer are helping to build the capacity of schools and early childhood educators working in government-funded kindergartens to implement the Respectful Relationships initiative in each of the Department of Education and Training's (DET) 17 Area teams.


The Victorian Curriculum provides the basis for teaching and learning about respectful relationships and identifies the knowledge, skills and understanding for students to be able to engage in respectful relationships. DET supports schools to deliver this curriculum through the optional Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Building Respectful Relationships teaching and learning materials, developed by education experts. These age-appropriate resources help students learn and practice social skills and apply them in a positive way to learning, life and relationships.

The Respectful Relationships initiative also includes professional learning to strengthen the capacity of up to 7,700 early childhood educators in Victorian Government-funded kindergarten programs to promote respectful relationships, positive attitudes and behaviours within their integrated teaching approach, to enable children to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.


The 2020-21 State Budget invested $37.5 million to continue the Respectful Relationships initiative for a further 4 years.


Over this term we will be sharing some more information and insight into the lessons and activities our students are participating in through the Respectful Relationships Curriculum. 


Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves