Deputy News
'Every student has a right to learn and every teacher has a right to teach'
Deputy News
'Every student has a right to learn and every teacher has a right to teach'
Dear Parents and families,
Just like that we are back from holidays and back into the swing of things at Sacred Heart. It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to school this week and hearing about the many travel adventues and experiences our students have been on. We welcome all our new students and families. The new students have all slottled in seamlessly, thanks to the warm welcome they have received from their teachers and class mates alike.
I have spent a majority of my week preparing and organising for our NCCD Nationally Consistent Collection of Data moderation process and Quality Assurance process with MACS, (Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools.) A huge thank youi to Simon Collis, Louise Donnelly, Jayne Mckay and Stacie Matthiesson for being part of our NCCD team and to Sophie Prosser for supporting the year 2 students this week while Louise has been in meetings. It is reaffirming to know that our teachers do an incredible job in making adjustments and plan and accomodate for all students in our school, so they can access the curriculum. The time and energy our staff put in goes above and beyond expectations so every student can learn and in a way that works for them. We are also very fortunate to have the support of many Allied Health professionals -Psychologists, Speech Therpaists and Occupational Therapists come into school to support the needs of some of our students. I congratulate all the parents who are supporting their children everyday and for being pro actve, as early intervention is paramount for success. If you would like to discuss any concerns you have about your child please don't hesitate to contact me or your child's classroom teacher.
Next week you will have an oportunity to talk with your child's teacher in parent teacher meetings and celebrate the many successes of their learning. These will be located in the classrooms. The year 5 and 6 students will engage in student lead conferences to showcase their learning.
The Writing Revolution in action
The year 3 and 4 students are back into the swing of writing using The Writing Revolution structure to support their learning. Each week each year level focuses on a new skill to build their writing strategies. Today the year 3 students started their study of Storm Boy and linked sentences together to create writing pieces about this beautiful book. They were learning lots of new vocabulary too, especially the word 'seldom'. What a great way to immerse themselves in their writing . Please check out Ned H's great work. We also welcome Mrs Allison Capron to year 3 this week, it is lovely to have you at Sacred Heart.
It was great to join Mrs Collin's class while they were learning about conjunctions to join sentences. She had so many keen students sharing their sentences using appropriate conjunctions, another great skill using The Writing Revolution. The year 6's have been doing some great topic work on Space and linking it to their reading comprehension tasks about Astronauts . Milly, Bonnie & Scarlett created an informative poster about Asteroids.
Some clubs were back up and running this week. It was wonderful to witness the before school clubs of Fitness and Art club this week. Thanks to Jayne Mckay and Liz Hyslop for giving up their precious time to run these extra curricular activities. Next week all cubs will resume excect Fitness club on Thursday morning.
Finally what an amazing end to the week with incredibly focused behaviour from our students in our Friday morning assembly. It was a true celebration of a wonderful first week back of Term 3. Miss Maloney even joined the preps this morning in true prep teacher style!
If any new families would like to join us our assemblies are on every Friday at 9am in our Mackillop Hall, you are most welcome. It is a wonderful way to close out our week and celebrate all the brilliant learning that is going on at Sacred Heart.
Have a wonderful weeked, stay warm and stay healthy,
Brigid Pennington
Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader