Grade 1/2 News

Term 2, Week 8


  • Library Books: As we head towards the end of term please ensure any Library Books are returned. We have a number of students who have overdue books
  • Movie Permission: This term students have earned the whole school reward of a movie and popcorn. As the movie is PG we require parent permission - please complete this on Compass.
  • Uniform: Please remember that we do have a uniform policy which students are required to follow. Student socks are to be white or black with no logos. The uniform policy can be found on the school website.
  • Shoulder length hair: If your child has shoulder length hair it must be tied back whilst at school.
  • End of term: Please note that students will be dismissed at the earlier time of ??? on the last day of term.

What we have been up to..

Students have continued to explore different Science concepts over the past two weeks. It has seen them try to blow up a balloon using bicarbonate soda and vinegar and also exploring the idea of sound and creating a string telephone.  Our Stimulating Science unit will wrap up at the end of term. Talking about which has been your child's favourite experiment and why would make a terrific discussion at home!

Learning in Week 9 and Week 1 of Term 3

Week 9: During the last week of term students with be exploring a number of different stories that focus on our First Nations people in support of NAIDOC week. 


We will look at the phoneme /oo/ as in boot. Students will also complete a heart word assessment, to check which heart words have been retained during our learning this term and which ones we may need to focus on again. 


In Writing students are focusing on the Writer's Process and in the last week will be editing and publishing a piece of their work. 


During Maths sessions our focus is time, particularly on understanding the duration of time.


Term 3 - Week 1

Our first week's learning in Mathematics will focus on measurement, particularly measuring and comparing the length of different items. Students will begin this process using informal units to measure such as hands, feet and counters.


Reading sessions will look at non-fiction texts and their features - the books we will read as class helping to immerse the students in knowledge about their new topic, Light and Sound.


Our focus phoneme will be 'eer' as in deer, students will practise the words dear, hear and year.


In Writing we will begin exploring the structure and features of Information Reports.