Monash Youth Services

Monash Youth Big Debate
Monash Youth Services will be celebrating the Victorian Youth Fest this year by organising the Monash Youth Big Debate event. Debaters will be recruited from local secondary schools, and the debate topic will be consulted with young people from the Monash community. The debate will take place at the Monash Civic Centre on Thursday 29 September 2022, from 5.30pm to 8pm. There will be acoustic performances before and after the actual debate, and finger food will be provided.
MYS is still recruiting debaters. As we are targeting young people both with and without debate experiences, there will be four training and preparation sessions ahead of the debate event. Each debate team will be allocated one experienced debater from the Monash Association of Debaters. All the training sessions will happen on Thursdays on Zoom, and the dates and times of the sessions are from 4.30pm to 6pm on 1, 8, 15, and 22 September. Young people will need to attend all the sessions to become the debaters for this event. If you would like to know more about this event, please contact Monash Youth Services at 9518 3900.
MYS gaming project – qualifying sessions
Monash Youth Services and Youth Ambassadors are proud to present a gaming project for young people aged 10 – 25. This project aims to create a welcoming and supervised environment for young people to socialise with each other while having fun playing video games together. Young people will test out their skills on a number of Nintendo Switch games, such as Mario Kart and Switch Sports Tennis. They also have the chance to win an invitation to compete in the grand finale and win a $100 JB HI-FI voucher!
The next qualifying sessions will be from 4.30pm to 6pm on Tuesdays, 30 August and 13 September, at Monash Youth Services in Glen Waverley and are FREE. However, bookings are essential. There will be hot snacks, board games, and more! Sign up at
Leaders for change – EDVOS program
Leaders for change program is now taking expressions of interest from young people aged 15 – 25 years and will run from October to early December. Leaders For Change is all about inspiring young people to become gender equality and respectful relationship ambassadors in their local community. The program will involve a series of interactive and empowering workshops that cover important topics like gender equity, respectful relationships, bystander action, and activism and will involve a range of guest speakers and activities. As part of this project, the Leaders For Change group will also work together to design and deliver of a community event during the 16 Days of Activism.
For EOI please follow this link - For more information on the program, click here -
Young People and the Law – Workshop
An online community legal presentation, focusing on Employment law and matters relating to Police Powers. General information about Tenancy Rights and Family Violence will also be provided. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers. Delivered by Monash University, Street Law Program and supported by Monash Youth Services. Tuesday 27 September, 4.00pm – 5.30pm. Bookings essential via:-
Film festival
Quiksound Productions and Monash Youth Services are proud to present the Monash Youth Film Festival 2022. This annual event celebrates young people and showcases their incredible film making skills on the big screen. This is a free event, but bookings are essential. To book or for more information, head to
For further information about any MYS programs, events or workshops visit, call 9518 3900 or email