Humanities Week

Humanities week at JMSS was a huge blast!
The week started off with a giant multicultural mural, where everyone had the opportunity to come into the labs and add a message in any language they knew. It was amazing to see the final beautiful and colourful banner which will be hung over the Wood house balcony along with other humanities decorations!
For the second day, we celebrated the social sciences with the greatest house debates in JMSS history! Our first debate was between Doherty and Wood, with the topic being "Should emojis be allowed in legal documents? Our second debate which was running simultaneously, was between Flannery and Blackburn on the topic "DC is better than Marvel." We had Flannery and Wood taking the championship in both extremely close and heated debates, and it was amazing seeing so much house spirit and teamwork on the day. A huge thank you to our student adjudicators; Amber, Oviya and Diya, for assisting with the adjudication process, and also, congratulations to all our debaters, who all did a magnificent job at representing their houses!
We then followed up with a whole-school geography and environmental sciences kahoot. The questions ranged from flags, where students had to identify flags from across the world, followed by hazards and environmental science questions. The kahoot finished off with some general knowledge questions about a range of countries. It was a tight race to the end throughout the kahoot, and it was great to see everyone down in the void participating in the Kahoot. Congratulations to our winners of the kahoot, hope you enjoyed the prizes!
On the next day we had the super successful book swap! Students had the opportunity to exchange their old books for something new, with the remainder of the books being donated to op shops. It was a great chance for students to dabble into economics and also grab a fresh read. We saw an amazing outcome and were blown away by the participation of everyone who donated in the book swap. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the book swap and hope everyone picked up something new to read!
Finally, we celebrated the last day of the week with Egyptian hieroglyphic clay amulet making, as well as some Horrible Histories. There was a great turnout for everyone's favourite nostalgic history show, as well as our clay session! From our favourite Aztec priests singing “Ain’t Staying Alive” to the explanation of the bizarre weapon laws of the Romans, we hope everyone fell a bit more in love with history.
Additionally, we held a house freerice competition, where students and staff had the chance to answer trivia questions to donate rice to people in need. Congratulations to Doherty for coming out on top!
A special thank you to Mr Mann and Ms Cohen for all their time, dedication and passion they put into making this amazing event possible! And another huge thank you to everyone who participated in the week, as we could not have done it without you! We hope you all enjoyed our activities in a jam-packed humanities week!
Your Humanities Captains,
Leonie, Emily, Nicole, Caitlin
ASX School Sharemarket Game
On 18 August 2022, 138 students started the ASX Schools Sharemarket Game. Registration was offered to students in all year levels with students electing to play in teams and also individually. Students were emailed instructions and information about how the sharemarket works and are currently trying their luck with a virtual $50,000. Students are buying and selling shares with the view to generate as many realised gains as possible.
Top 5 syndicates/students at John Monash Science School as at Wednesday 14 September are:
1. Sampras ($53,906)
2. Javy ($53,521)
3. Zayan ($52,479)
4. Lachlan ($52,400)
5. Atharva ($52,071)
The game will finish on 27 October 2022, so it's still early days! Keep an eye on the market and the news to pick up some information that may inform your trades!
Ms Cohen