Andrew Chisholm

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


After enjoying some Long Service leave it has been lovely to return to JMSS as the weather starts to warm and the business end of the year approaches.   With only a few days until term 3 ends, this article covers a number of important events and deadlines that are on the school calendar between now and early term four. 


VTAC Processes for current Year 12’s

All year 12 students have now had an interview with the Pathways team and they also should have completed their VTAC applications, as well as SEAS statements and scholarship applications where relevant. There are still some students who have yet to register their tertiary choices on the VTAC site, and also finalise SEAS and scholarship applications. It is worth mentioning that all VTAC courses applications close at the end of September and if the fee for the VTAC application has not been paid, there is a significant increase in cost. 


October Tests

All students completing a VCE Unit 3 and 4 exam have October tests scheduled in the second week of the Term 3 holidays. These tests are an attempt by JMSS to replicate the content and conditions of the final Year 12 exams in November and so provide an excellent opportunity for students to receive realistic feedback on their performance in their subjects and allow them to diagnose with the assistance of their teachers any areas for improvement. 


The exams are a combination of face to face and take home exams. Year 12 students will be sitting English, Literature and English language at JMSS on Monday 26th September. Students need to arrive at 8.30am. At the completion of the English assessments, students will receive an envelope with all the other October tests to complete at home according to the October test timetable below. Students studying Year 12 French and Japanese will also be at JMSS for their orals. On Tuesday 27th September, Year 11 students sitting a Year 12 subject have their October test at JMSS. All students have received an email that outlines the date and time when each October test is being held. Students should be in JMSS school uniform and all official VCAA rules will be enforced.


A shortened version of the October Test Timetable is shown below. AM sessions start at 9am and PM sessions begin at 1pm. Students should plan to be at school 1/2 hour before any October test held at JMSS.



VCE Unit 3 and 4 VCE Timetables, Oral Language, Extended Investigation and Music Performance exams.

Any student completing a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject will also be receiving an exam navigator and individual timetable outlining all their exams and the locations of these exams. Students do need to show parents this document so that everyone in the family is aware of the times and locations of each of the end of year exams. Students doing EI, most languages and music will have an oral component or a performance scheduled in the first two weeks of term 4. 


These orals and performances begin in the week of Monday October 3rd and the locations of these assessments are varied.  If your student is completing a language oral or music performance, please check the location of this assessment on your student’s exam timetable closely. Students have been told that they need to turn up to any exam at least an hour early to ensure they are not adversely impacted by traffic or public transport issues.


Andrew Chisholm

Assistant Principal