Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Week 8 Update
Saturday 18 March saw the final fixtures of the Summer sport season being played by the Junior School boys. It only seems like yesterday that we were announcing trials and getting the teams organised for the season. The games now but a memory and our focus heads towards Winter sports.
I would like to thank all our coaches for the hours they have put in this term. Working diligently with our boys, preparing teams to perform at their best. I would also like to say a huge thank you to the parent community for your unwavering support of the Junior School teams. Your efforts in getting the boys to venues, rousing sideline support, and standing in for coaches when absent has not gone unnoticed. We are all very lucky to have such overwhelming support and parents/carers who are always happy to lend a hand. Finally, to all the staff of the College involved in Summer sports, thank you for the countless tasks that you perform behind the scenes to allow the seasons to run so smoothly. From running trials, to planning sessions, to holding team meetings, it is your efforts that make the seasons run so smoothly. Thank you for all that you did this season with Summer sport.
As our focus shifts to Winter sport, there have been a number of boys trialing and training for Football and Rugby carnivals to be held in the Term 1 break. Boys in Year 6 Rugby will be heading to our annual carnival held in Armidale and the Year 6 footballers will be heading to Brisbane. We wish the boys all the best in their preparations for these carnivals and look forward to hearing of their adventures upon their return in Term 2.
On Monday, five boys from the Junior School represented the College at the IPSHA Football trials. The trials are hotly contested with 95 boys vying for only 12 spots in the squad. The standards are high and just being chosen to participate is a strong achievement. Congratulations to Brando Flammia and Mason Portolesi (Year 6) on their selection into the IPSHA football side. We wish you all the best in the upcoming CIS trials.
There have been many questions about the commencement of Junior School Winter Trials. Trials will be announced on the College App and for boys through the classroom announcements. I am hopeful of starting trials this week for some of the age groups across the Winter sports. There have been a few teams that have already been chosen and will not need to trial. All boys that signed up for 10s Rugby and AFL have all made these sides. As we have small numbers in these two teams, there is no need for them to trial. Congratulations to these boys on their selection.
All Winter sport training will commence at the beginning of Term 2. The training schedule and draft draw will come out just prior to the end of Term 1. This should give families enough time over the holidays to be aware of the boys’ commitments.
I will update the Junior School community shortly, via the College App, on the rescheduled Junior School Cross Country Carnival date and Winter Sport Trial dates, times and venues.
I hope that everyone has an enjoyable few sports-free weekends, and takes the opportunity to relax and unwind before we hit the Winter season.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular