
Term 1 Interim Reports for Years 7 to 11
By the end of this week, the Term 1 Interim Reports on students of Years 7 to 11 will be available online to parents/carers via the TASS Parent Lounge.
Each student from Years 7 to 11 will receive a Term 1 Interim Report. The purpose of the Report is to provide parents/carers with early feedback, albeit not comprehensive at this stage, on how their son/s have commenced their learning in the new scholastic year and how they have settled into school routine.
It is important for parents/carers to note that each subject report is based only on the teacher’s professional judgement and early impression of student learning habits, since substantive formal assessment of learning in many courses has not taken place in the time the reports have been compiled.
It is worth noting a few key features of the report include:
- Attendance up to and including Friday 17 March.
- The Homeroom Teacher’s Pastoral Profile which describes the student’s general school and homeroom practices associated with grooming and uniform, co-operation, manner, punctuality, responsibility, and initiative. These profile elements are described as Consistently, Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.
- The Class Teacher’s report on the student’s Learning Dispositions associated with classwork, homework, lesson engagement, pride in presentation of own work and acting on teacher feedback. These Learning Dispositions are described as Consistently, Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.
- The Class Teacher’s report on the student’s Personal and Social Habits with respect to punctuality, organisation, manners, conduct, working collaboratively and responsibly. These Personal and Social Habits are also described as Consistently, Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.
- An indication on the bottom of the Homeroom Teacher’s report whether it is required for the Parent or Caregiver to contact the Homeroom Teacher or the Year Coordinator. Similarly, on the bottom of the course report as it pertains to the Class Teacher or relevant Faculty Leader.
As always, parents/carers are welcome to contact relevant teachers to discuss student progress.
Nicholas Phillipson
Acting Director of Curriculum
Stage 6 Accelerated Italian
Over the last year, we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be a part of the College’s Italian Accelerated program. Because it was on at the same time as our Year 10 class, we began to partake in the neighbouring Year 11 Italian Continuers class as a part of some extension work, but, after the success of this, it was decided that we should permanently join the class. Since then, it has been an amazing experience. The harder coursework has challenged us and helped us to take new perspectives on the subject we were studying in an interesting and enjoyable way. It was also great to be able to work and collaborate with the Year 12s in the class throughout this time, which has allowed us to build new bonds with those in the year above.
It was rewarding to see our ability to use the language grow at a much faster rate than would previously have been possible. In particular, the speaking component of the course proved to be quite challenging – before being accelerated, the longest time that we had spoken for an assessment was less than a minute, when our first speaking exam in the Continuers class had a duration of five minutes – which meant we saw our skills in this area improve rapidly. Preparing for the HSC exams has also been testing at times, but, despite the stress, it was certainly a positive experience – in no other subject could you study by listening to music or watching TV (in Italian, of course)!
Overall, it has been a unique and enriching opportunity, and we thank Miss Capobianco and the College Leadership Team for making this all possible.
Jeremy Simonetto | Daniel De Pasquale
Year 11 Accelerated Italian students