
St Patrick's College Parents and Carers Online Safety Pulse Survey 2023
As part of the College's commitment to student wellbeing and online safety, the Wellbeing Team will be surveying students, parents and carers about their online safety experiences.
We would like to invite parents and carers to engage in the following Online Safety Survey that has been developed using the eSafety Commissioner's resources for Safer Internet Day.
The survey is comprised of a set of 12 statements about online safety and your online experiences with the children in your care.
Your responses are anonymous and will help inform the College's Wellbeing Team plan for future workshops, programs and initiatives about online safety and student wellbeing.
Please note that the survey will be accepting responses until 29 March 2023.
We thank you all in advance for your responses.
Survey Link: SPC Parents and Carers Online Safety Pulse Survey 2023
Katherine Sinadinos
Acting Student Wellbeing Coordinator