Student Leadership for 2023

...and Their Connections

Pictured above: Thomas and Daniel Marr    


The College recently commissioned Its student leaders for 2023. The two key roles are held by School Captain – Thomas Marr and Deputy School Captain – Charles Lennon. Both have a deep connection with the St Virgil’s College story.

Joan Marr
Joan Marr


Thomas is the son of Daniel Marr (SVC 1983-88) and the nephew of Matthew (SVC 1979-83) and David (SVC1988-93).  Furthermore, Thomas’ grandmother, Joan Marr, was part of the secretarial staff at the Barrack St campus from 1982-90. 




Charlie is the grandson of John Lennon (SVC 1955-63) and Rene Sluyters (SVC 1954-62). John, an engineer – now retired – was dux of the College and a prefect in his final year.  Rene served as the St Virgil’s College Development Officer from 1997-2011, was secretary of the OVA for many years and was the recipient of an Association Honorary Life Membership in 2012. Four of Charlie’s uncles also attended SVC – Paul, Patrick and Peter (dec.) Lennon and Paul Sluyters.

Charles with his grandfathers – Rene Sluyters (left) and John Lennon
Charles with his grandfathers – Rene Sluyters (left) and John Lennon